Coca Cola

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Coca Cola

Coca Cola


This study aims to determine the competitive position, cross cultural challenges, and corporate social responsibility of a multinational company. The company that has been focused in this research is Coca Cola. The study aims to perform a thorough analysis of these business issues. The project will make use of different academic theories and resources to analyse the business of Coca Cola. The research includes a brief introduction of Coca Cola, the position of company in relation to cross cultural issues, and the position of company in relation to pressures on CSR and profitability.

For a company to succeed in the global soft drink industry, it needs to achieve critical mass and develop a distribution system that is strategically aligned with its brands. Coke has already met these goals in 90% of the world's soft drink markets, while Pepsi has attained them primarily in the United Kingdom (Helm, 2009, pp. 32). From a chemist trial to an international enterprise, Coca-Cola has made the essential acquisitions and organizational alterations to rendezvous both clientele and employee demands. The organization has been adept to boost its wideness by inspiring the employees to rendezvous the trials with pays, advantages, and recognition.

According to Euro monitor, the soft drink consumers increasingly opt for high-end products. Given the current state of the economy and the level of disposable income, the individuals are inclined to spend more for products they previously considered as non-essential or luxury (Davisson, Booth, 2010, pp. 68). This change in attitude of consumers, who previously chose products based on price and are now opting for value-added products, has affected all sectors.

The company has made two major contributions to the world market First is the contribution through its creative advertising and one of the world's best marketing teams (Brady, 2007, 46-54). Secondly, the company is known to build slogans and campaigns that convey positive messages to the humanity. It instils a positive energy among the depressed, especially teenagers and youngsters. It is recommended that the company maintains this philosophy and strategy of marketing.

The research is based on secondary data accumulation. The data is pressed out from various journals, articles and books. Secondary research depicts information assembled by literature, broadcast media, publications, and other non-human origins. In this research, we would also be employing the descriptive method of research.

The research accession used is qualitative. Qualitative research is practically more immanent than quantitative one. This research applied various methods of accumulating data which could be both primary as well as secondary. As already adverted, this study chooses the secondary method.

Aims and Objectives

This research will provide me with the opportunity to reflect my learning. This research has been conducted to improve the understanding of business issues of a multinational firm. Coca Cola is a large multinational firm that has been performing successfully in the market of Food and Beverages. The analysis of the business of Coca Cola will be helpful in understanding its business practices. The study will also be helpful in understanding ...
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