City Of Kelsey

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City of Kelsey

City of Kelsey


Being a program analyst of the City of Kelsey; I need to evaluate the predicted value of the project to the community. My evaluation will be presented to the city council. The City of Kelsey has posted a notice of public meeting and a variety of memos describing the proposed Stanley Park Project. The purpose of this paper is to assess the important aspects associated with the Stanley Park Project. The paper will determine what information might be important for the city to collect in order to evaluate the predicted value of the Stanley Park Project to the community. Moreover, the value of the information needed to the evaluation of the program will be explained. Moving on, the description of the use of normative futures in goals and agenda setting for the Stanley Park Project will be provided. Once a clear evaluation is made; this information may be used in setting project goals and objectives. The overall analysis would help assessing the program performance measures based on program goals and objectives.


For the purpose of enhancing and making the City of Kelsey more advanced and beautiful; a Stanley Park Project has been proposed. The underlying increase within the population of the City has urged the authorities to take several developmental initiatives to meet the needs of the growing population and also to remain competitive to the other cities in terms of facilities being offered. The realization of City Council that there is a need to create several significant recreational activities and facilities for the citizens seems relevant (Hillman & Keim, 2001). The following important information is needed to evaluate the predicted value of Stanley Park Project. The below evaluated information will be presented to the City Council in order to help the City Council to make most relevant and important decisions to increase the recreational facilities for the citizens of City of Kelsey.

Important Information to Evaluate the Predicted Value of Stanley Park Project

There is a need to evaluate the predicted value of the proposed Stanley Park Project to the community. The evaluation would be provided to the City Council in order to help the Council to take better informed decisions related to the development of the City of Kelsey. All the facilities offered at the Stanley Park Project seem to be extremely beneficial to the City. Several athletic fields; basket ball courts, volleyball courts, tennis courts, gymnasium, fitness centre and many others increases the predicted value of the Stanley Park Project immensely. The air quality and the water treatments utilized for the purpose of making the predicted value of the Stanley Park Project enhance the treatment. I believe that the information provided within the notices and memos associated with the Stanley Park Project are extremely relevant to predicting the value of the project. The amalgamation of the computer related or technological facilities as required by the respondents within the parks would increase the underlying capacity and efficiency of the project (Anonymous, ...
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