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Is It Possible To Talk Of Childhood In A Meaningful Sense Before The Industrial Revolution

[Institute's Name]Is It Possible To Talk Of Childhood In A Meaningful Sense Before The Industrial Revolution


Every stage and phase of life has its own colors, flavors and endowments. Right from the time period, when a person opens his/ her eyes in to this world, the dynamics and specifications of the world seem entirely different and incomprehensible to him/ her. It is when the age and the horizon of the person grows, not only do the dynamics and the specifications of the world start making sense to him/ her, but also his/ her role and activities also take a significant detour. The most important aspect in the previously mentioned statement pertains to the fact, that each age and phase of a person's life has its own role and duties.

If the roles tend to overlap the brackets of ages or phases; then not only will the person be deprived of relishing the sheer essence of life, imbedded in each stage, but also the cognition of the person will be molded and augmented in a totally unorthodox manner. However, there have been significant eras in our society, where, unlike the modern times, each stage of a person's life was not divided into substantial phases and pertinent activities that a person is ought to carry; it was the collective assimilation of responsibilities that would be heaped on everyone, regardless of the novelty and naivety of age.

Life Before Industrial Revolution

The assignment primarily revolves around the basic comprehension and understanding of the facets of childhood that a person would endure and relish before the critical advent of industrial revolution in the western society. However, before digging deep into the core subject, or topic under scrutiny, it is equally imperative that a basic, yet superficial understanding of the overall perspective on life of a person before the industrial revolution is attained. According to numerous scholars and researchers, our society, before the industrial revolution, which is England, was nowhere similar to what we witness it to be today.

Where the industrialization has its own endowments to offer to the inhabitants of this society, in terms of swift and unimpeded communication, transportation, railways, road and much more; the people living before the industrial revolution had to manage their lifestyle and survivals without these facilities. Not only was it rather tough to be in touch with each other, if the relatives live in the distant part of the country, but mostly the commuting in terms of trade or otherwise would be extended to their own localities only. Henceforth, the lifestyle of the inhabitants before the industrial revolution was very confined. With the absence of facilitated transportation and communication, the inhabitants of each community had to rely on their own resources and assets, to manage their living, prosperity and survival (Coster, 2001, p. 98).

Henceforth, in order to ensure their survival, each and every member of the society or community, ranging from a child to the ...
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