The purpose of this study is to explore the concept of “childhood disruptive behavior” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “attention-deficit/hyperactivity syndrome and opposition defiant disorder”; which also analyzes many aspects of the disorders cited and tries to gauge its effect on “childhood behavior”. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “attention-deficit/hyperactivity syndrome and opposition defiant disorder”; in addition, the study measures the significant impact of the disorders on “childhood behavior”.
Table of Contents
Statement of the Problem4
Source of the problem4
Significance of the problem4
Feasibility of the Study4
Scope of Literature Review5
Hypothesis/Research Question5
Theoretical Context6
Variables of Interest11
Description of the Design11
Control of Extraneous Variables11
Internal and External Validity Assessment12
Sampling Design13
Measurement Instruments13
Reliability and Validity of Instruments14
Sources of Measurement Error15
Ethical Considerations15
Data Analysis Procedures16
Presentation of Results17
Interpretation of Results19
Discussion of findings20
Alternative explanations22
Implications for the practitioner and for future research22
Childhood Disruptive Behaviors
Statement of the Problem
The problem statement of this study is underlined and demonstrated as a combined analysis of two childhood disruptive behaviors, namely Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).
Source of the Problem
Both ADHD and ODD notified the presence of hyperactivity and impulsive behavior among children of age bracket 6-18 years.
Significance of the Problem
The purpose of the study is to identify the causes for the notified behaviors among children. This methodology will help understanding and comprehension all of ebbs and flows of such disorders; in addition, the study intends an appreciative treatment of these issues.
Feasibility of the Study
The purpose of this study is to examine childhood disruptive behaviors. The study is based on the sample size of 548 subjects. The sample size include both gender segments; male and female population. This research possesses greater feasibility to identify the factors that are responsible for the disruptive behavior in children. The results of the research can be utilized to formulate effective strategies for elimination of the factors that are responsible for disruptive behaviors.
Scope of Literature Review
In the present context and script intended, the purpose and scope of this study is to attempt and learn the variations and types of child disorders, namely ADHD and ODD. The scope shall cover what portions, forms and categories of variations of these orders occur (Martel, Gremillion, Roberts, Eye, 2010).
Hypothesis/Research Question
Ho: There is no significant impact of ADHD and ODD on the behavior of children under age bracket of 6-18 years.
H1: There is significant impact of ADHD and ODD on the behavior of children under age bracket of 6-18 years.
Theoretical Context
Variables of Interest
The variables selected for this study are:
Presence of Attention-deficit/hyperactivity syndrome
Presence of Oppositional defiant disorder
Behavior variance of children
Description of the Design
The current study incorporated a bi-factor model which includes a 'g' factor model, along with one-factor, two-factor, three-factor and second-order model. The study also includes different models that were previously used to understand and comprehend the impact of ADHD and ODD disorders on behavior of children.
Control of Extraneous Variables
There are several extraneous variables that were selected for the purpose of identifying behavioral patterns in ...