Child Development Assessment

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Child development Assessment

Child development Assessment


Child development is the most important part in the lives of the parents and the teachers. These are the two most influential groups that play the vital and direct role in the character building of a child. The development of a child is composed of many factors like the social development, the emotional development and the behavioral development etc. the following essay is going to analyze the case study of a 5 years old child named Luke.


Luke is a 5 years old child. The following essay is conducted on the concern of his parents and teachers for his behavioral, social and emotional development. The following essay will also consider the part that Local Education Authority will play to assess his development.

Concerns about Child Development

Emotional Development

The study of children's emotions is difficult, because obtaining information on the subjective aspects of emotion can only come through introspection, a technique that children can't be used successfully when they are still too small.

But, given the important role that emotions play in the child's life is not surprising that some of the traditional beliefs about the emotions that have arisen during the course of the years to explain them, have persisted in the absence of accurate information that confirm or contradict. For example, there is a widely accepted belief that some people, at birth, are more emotional than others. It has therefore been an accepted fact that the there is nothing you can do to change this feature. Among those beliefs was also that differences in emotionality, were linked to hair color. For example, it was said that redheads have a temper naturally "fierce" while blonds are naturally warm and affectionate. (David, Edmund. 1983)

At present, although it is accepted that there may be genetic differences in emotionality, the evidence points to environmental conditions as the main responsible for the differences in emotionality of newborn infants have been attributed in part to the different emotional tensions experienced by their mothers during pregnancy. There is also evidence that children who grow up in an exciting environment and are subject to constant pressure to meet excessively high expectations of parents or school teachers, people can become tense, nervous and very emotional.

Considering Luke, maybe he has gone through extreme emotions at his early childhood. This can be the reason why he is emotional. The parents and teachers can play the role to develop the positive part in the motivating the child to act more rationally than taking things emotionally.

Social Development

Social development of the child - is a process in which absorbed the values, traditions and culture of the society to which belongs to the baby. Communicating with peers and adults, playing, doing, little man learns to live according to certain unwritten rules, consider the interests of other people's behavior. (Brazelton, Lester. 1983)

Great influence on the social development of the child has a personal family. It is the family becomes a kind of translator, which passes from generation to generation the knowledge, experience, ...
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