Child Care

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Child Care



Observation in the Early Childhood and Care Settings2

The layout of the area3

Materials and equipment available3

Mark Making Area3

Small World Area4

Book Reading and listening Area4

Creative Area4

Location of the Area5

Observed Activities5

The use of materials5

Interaction between children5

Interaction between children and adults5

The Child's enjoyment Area6

Decision making6



Early year settings (Music): Layout of the Area7

Shaker Fun7

Use of Materials7

The use of Materials7

Interaction between children8

Interaction between children and adult8


Child Observation Methodology9

Analysis of observation9

Observation centred planning10

Parenting Styles and Child Outcomes11

Objectives of the Study12

Importance of Equality Proofing13

Diverse Societies13

Different Concerns13

Diversity and Equality14

Child development and difficulties with child care in Ireland16

Early Childhood Education and Its Influence on Cognitive Development18

Means to Gather Information on the Observation19


Implementations Plan21

Assessment Development and Early Childhood Learning22

Assessment System23

Observation and Development of Educational Processes24


Child Care


Each child is different from other child and, develops certain skills when they grow according to their own perceptions to the world. The criteria of development are almost similar in all children. All the requirements of the children including food, shelter, education and manners are the responsibility of the teachers and parents. Most parents and teachers are lacking in providing proper child care and, fails in the development of the children. There are many child care programs in order to raise the awareness in adults to up bring children in an effective manner.

Observation in the Early Childhood and Care Settings

Development of child includes several social, moral and emotional aspects of the society and, observation of the development of child is the unique skill in adults. All these new skills require lots of skills. The learning environment should be comfortable for children either at home, arts and music (indoor and outdoor). There should be such areas, in which children feel comfortable in their learning activities. Children can find materials easily and, don't waste their time in searching equipments. The area of learning in childcare centres should be clean and safe to provide wide space for children to develop their learning. There should be proper space for children to kneel, sit and lie down for their work. Teachers who also believe in activeness of children do not fill their classrooms with chairs and charts (Margaret, 1998).

According to the plan, several things should be available to children such as writing, mark making, role play, small world, sand, water, music, construction, mathematics, creative, computer, investigation and other creative things. In this paper, we will cover two areas in detail (Home and Music).

The layout of the area

The observations allow educators to give continuity to the curriculum through planning child-centered activities. Thus, they can discover what is meaningful and important to them: what kinds of objects and materials like playing? What kind of roles they play what kind of ideas, experiences and events speak most often? For planning to be meaningful, it must be relevant to the interests and previous experiences of children. Teachers noticed the interest of children in this experience and developed plans to use for the rest of the week, the theme of the technicians who repair phones. That is, adults used the ideas and interests ...
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