Change Management

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Change Management Report: Marks & Spencer



Mark & Spencer2

Organizational Changes2

Last Five Years2

Forces or Drivers of Change3

Business Profile3

Forces of Changes4

Models of Change Management5

Kotter's Eight Step Change Model:5

Step no. 1: Establishing a sense of urgency5

Step no. 2: Creating a guiding Coalition6

Step no. 3: Developing a Vision and Strategy6

Step no. 4: Communicating the Change Vision7

Step no. 5: Empowering a broad base of people to take action7

Step no. 6: Generating Short Term Wins7

Step no. 7: Consolidating gains and producing even more change8

Step no. 8: Institutionalizing or anchoring the new approaches into the culture8

Lewin's Change Management Model:8

Change Implementation9



Change Management Report: Marks & Spencer


Individuals counter experiences of bad quality from their buying experiences. Malfunctioning of services from many brands provides poor product quality. These experiences ranges from late arrival of van bus due to drive, stained clothes from drycleaner, mismanagement of pizza order, or lost luggage of airline passenger This happened when employees failed to company product specifications with vigilance that results in higher cost of such actions, loss of shares, and competitive takeover by other companies. Organizations need to address issue of quality to retain customer loyalty and quality products (Conner, 1993, pp. 186-199). This drives the concept of change management in the organizations. There are different categories of change and varying approaches to manage change. The identification and use of best approach is at the heart of being a profession and an effective manager in any sector. Change involves the use of overlapping aspects of culture, processes, and culture. Change management initiated in one department has a high impact of productivity and efficiency level of the entire organization (Downs, 2008, pp. 78-88).

Mark & Spenser have been chosen to assess the change management as a Board of Director. This is an implementation report for critical evaluation of different models of change in order to remain competitive in today's global changing market. This report also uses examples for clarity of argument with emphasis on internal and external drivers of change, organizational leadership, and forces of change, management process, initiations, and implementation across business environment.


Mark & Spencer

Mark & Spencer owe the philosophy of selling clothing, footwear, gifts, foods, and home furnishings at moderate price to customers. Its focus is towards first-rate customer services started off as a stall in 1884 by Michael Marks, with the philosophy to sell products at a moderate price to the customers, Marks & Spencer (M&S) is one of the UK's foremost retailers of clothing, home ware foods and financial services, allocation 10 million customers a week across 700+ UK stores and around the world. Paddington is the new headquarter of company with corporate business across thirty countries and faction proceedings of over £8bn (Garry, 2011, pp. 10-87).

Organizational Changes

Last Five Years

Mark & Spencer have always been came forward as one of the strongest corporate institutes in the United Kingdom. Asda and Next are its strongest competitors in clotting line and Tesco in food operations. M&S had to counter series of modifications in corporate and organizational structures in last five crucial ...
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