Cell Phone Use In Hudson High School

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Cell phone Use in Hudson High School


It is now common to find in schools the post signs prohibiting the use of mobile phones. However, despite this prohibition, it is clear that some students use their phone in the four mature schools and colleges. This is what makes us think that the proscription of mobile phones in schools is suitable for students of high schools and colleges. Thus, some students continue to manipulate their mobile phones in the school yard or even receive calls in full swing. Faced with these attitudes, the administrative authorities do not hesitate to punish students who engage in these practices. Seizure of laptops until the end of the school year and other disciplinary sanctions are a few of the many corrections made against recalcitrant students. It must be said that prior to the crackdown, the authorities fail to explain the many disappointments which exposes the use of mobile phones.

Cell phone affects the concentration of studies and performance, thus it should be banned in schools, or allowed on strict guidelines.


Although, the technology could not be neglected and no one can disagree with the comfort and easiness given by the cell phones. It has become easy for the parents to track their children, and they get instant answers of their question like where are you? When are you going to come? Do you need a ride today? And if you forgot something at home, but there are several misuse of cell phones in the school (James, p.10-19).

Hudson high school has identified the problem of cell phone wile studying and while in other activities, but it does not disagree with the importance of carrying cell phone. Thus, the school have made several guide lines for the students that give proper direction how to use cell phone in the ...
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