The Impact Of Implementing Cell Phones In The Egyptian Public High School Educational System As A Tool To Enhance Listening Skill

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The impact of implementing cell phones in the Egyptian Public High School Educational system as a tool to enhance listening skill




Background of the Study1

Purpose of the study1

Significance of Study2

Research Questions2

Research Aims and Objective3


History of Technology Use in Education Practices4

Use of Cell phone in Education4

Implementing Cell phone tools for learning5

Challenges to Implementing Cell phone tools for learning7

Cell phone Learning Benefits and Teaching Styles7




Background of the Study

Education technology is an ever-growing area in education policy-making, professional development, and daily practices. As indicated by the headlines above, most published within a one-month period, technological innovations in education are dynamic. While advancements like these are not new to education, the speed, reach and implication of current innovations are. The abilities to interact, collaborate, challenge, engage and connect have reached new heights and continue to branch to even more unusual possibilities (Christensen, 2008, 90). Cell phone has become a significant device for communicating and is being used by high school students since the late 1990s. Egypt has been facing many challenges in order to promote the development of education system and developing it. The government vision is to which helps in promoting the performance of teachers and students and improve educational process. It has also determined that technology should be used to promote to nurture human capital. The successful implementation of technology will prove fruitful for teachers and students.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is to determine how administration and teachers can use technology in promoting education through technology in Egyptian High School Education. The study will also discuss if there are proper measures for the Egyptian education system is ready to enter the digital world and there is proper use of technology such as cell phones which help in promoting education and explore new horizons. The study also provides the knowledge about how it will help in education effectiveness and how teachers use it for assisting students.

Significance of Study

This research will add in understanding the significance of using cell phones in education and will help in determining its impact on education learning environment. It is also very important for the teachers to determine the effective ways which can be used to implement cell phone devices and using practices which are effective for the use of mobile devices. It has been determined from research that cell phone devices are being used as tools which can be accessed resources and constructing the understanding of knowledge. But Al-Fahad (2009) recognize that mobile learning offers much more educational potential than simply accessing resources.

Higher education administrators and instructors must acknowledge and respond to external factors when making decisions about institutional change (Brown, 2005, 299). External factors such as competition and market trends contribute to these decisions as well as the increasing availability of low cost mobile devices to students. This study will add significantly to the body of research on cell phone devices by identifying the change these devices bring to the higher education learning ...