Case Study Nursing Practice In Context

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Case Study Nursing Practice in Context

Case Study Nursing Practice in Context

John's Medical History and the Side-Effect He Is Developing

John's doctor advised him to have a bowel cancer (also known as collateral cancer or colon cancer) test which he delayed due to his busy schedule. From the movie it is obvious that John has no past medical complications and no one in his family has ever detected with a cancer before this situation. During colonostrophy John was detected with high anterior resection photochema. The cancer is a malignant tumour in bowel and metastasising to nodes of lymph. Due to fluorouracil treatment different side effects occurred. These included skin irritation, dryness, pain, swelling, redness, burning, eye irritation, irritability, abnormal taste in mouth, temporary hair loss among these pain, redness, burning, skin irritation, swelling occur on the site of application. The reason for which Fluorouracil is causing side effect is that the body try to oppose the medication that is given to it due to its high intensity, as fluorouracil acts as a suicide factor for such tremors.

This essay includes pharmacological and non pharmacological interventions which are used to reduce and manage the side effects that John is experiencing.

Prevention strategies in commencement of chemotherapy

There are different prevention strategies that can be implemented in the commencement of chemotherapy in order to reduce the side effect of the treatment. This includes physical activities. The physical activities can be beneficent to the patient. Physical exercise can really help the patient to go through proper chemotherapy.

The next prevention is the use of alcohol. Alcohol use can be dangerous to the patients which are about to go through chemotherapy. There is an important relation between the chemotherapy and alcohol. Avoiding alcohol will have positive and progressive effects in preventing the colorectal cancer (Torkamani & Schork 2008).

Tobacco smoking increases the risk by almost fifty percent. Risk is increased in those people who smoke for longer period of time. Different case studies shoes different relationship with tobacco. A case study shows an association that there is a positive relation between energy intakes and risk of colorectal cancer. The try to correct the energy of body by taking multivariate shows that it will pre-dominate the risk of cancer (Thoeni, 1981).

With improved control of chemotherapy side effects, cancer cure is going more easily for many patients. The goal of chemotherapy is to annihilate cancer cells. Conventional chemotherapies work by carnage cells that divide rapidly. As they destroy fast mounting cancer cells, but there is another option that this can also harm rapid growing vigorous cells (Rondal & Quartino 2007).

Injury to blood cells, leads to side-effects like fatigue, infections and anemia. Chemotherapy can also injure the cells that lined up with the mucous membranes that are found all through the body. This also includes those mucous membranes which are inside the throat stomach and mouth. This is the reason which leads to diarrhea and mouth sores or any other problems related to digestive system. This can also damage the hair roots and its ...
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