Career Portfolio

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Career Portfolio including Planning, Goals, and Future

Career Portfolio including Planning, Goals, and Future


Being a responsible person in life, everyone needs to ponder over the requirements of developing the career for managing the future life and fulfilling the associated requirements. The management of career is totally in the hands of individuals as none can rely on the organizations for this purpose. The management of career requires individuals to be cautious from the earlier stage of life. It is an ongoing process, which should not be considered only at the time of need, but much before such circumstances. In order to achieve the required career strategies, the person should continue to build up expertise, abilities and potencies (

It is the portfolio, which is meant to describe the personal and professional growth of mine that I have experienced in the last three years, am experiencing currently, and will experience in the coming three years of my life. The whole emphasis is on the career progression of mine depending upon the circumstances I faced, and the interest I have been aimed for. The overall appearance of my personality and my ambitions is discussed in three stages of my life. I have described whatever I have experienced until now, together with my focus in the future life.


The career of a person is of immense importance to him, affecting his dependents and society as well. A person should always be willing to rectify what he wants to be in his future life and for achieving his desired career what sort of efforts he needs to do. This implies intense level of responsibility to the people regarding their career development concerns. The importance of career can be understood by having an in depth evaluation of its relevancy to the person's life and future.


Career is basically describing the individuals' journey through the process of learning, work and other aspects of life. A career is defined as the actions taken and the progress achieved by a person throughout his lifetime. It contains the number of job held, titles earned and the accomplishment of works over a long span of time, rather than just sticking to a single job. People are free to access other relevant opportunities in their career life, together with what they are doing currently. It is presented as the working pattern followed in terms of numerous employments simultaneously with managing the time allocated to the jobs. Mostly, people tend to do different jobs as part times rather than relying on a single job. Such a management of career is regarded as the career portfolio (

The concept of management of career in my views is just like the financial management, which means investing disciplined efforts on a regular basis and then getting greater favourable returns. It helps in the process of ensuring the long-term success of career. The only thing needed is to take intense care regarding the sole purpose of life. I personally believe that without managing the career, a person has ...
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