The online role play illustrated to me that the role of a nurse in a pandemic is three pronged. She must have knowledge of where to access appropriate information and recourses for the prevention, containment, and effectively managing the community's concern about the infectious disease. This knowledge helps to minimise the incidence and the spread of infection between patients thereby protecting themselves and other health care workers from contact with the infectious material and exposure to virus. Preventing and control of infection is an essential component of every nursing activity, it becomes a nurses priority. Nurses and all health care workers share the responsibility of preventing the spread of infection between themselves and patients. In health care settings, patients are at a risk of acquiring infections because of lowered resistance and increased exposure to micro-organisms. The nurse's perception on prevention of infectious disease is prevention and early detection of infection in a patient at risk as stated by Dochterman & Bulechek,( Dochterman & Bulechek 2004, P.472)
Nurses should therefore be aware of at risk groups such as Cate's pregnant mums and infants up to six months old. (Cate tuesday 6 October 2009) At her antenatal clinic, Sources can be people or environmental objects that have become contaminated. Therefore specific PPE/ isolated procedures including dedicated equipment should be used to prevent the spread of infection. As sighted in (H1N1-information -2009.docx). Universal precautions, being vigilant for any signs/ symptoms of the illness. Hand washing techniques, and adherence with policy and procedures and pandemic plans) Exclusion from work if showing signs of HINI. We as health service providers know only to well how quickly disease can spread if precautions are not met
Prevention Of Infectious Disease
The nurse's perception on prevention of infectious disease is (prevention and early detection of infection in a patient at risk (Dochterman & Bulechek, 2004, p 472) so the nurse plays a specific role in corpora ting standard precautions would be the minimal requirement for the care of their patients in order to reduce the risk of transmission of the infectious droplet pathogen .description of practice that reduces transmission, description of signs and symptoms description of monitoring procedures description of mode of transmission description of factors contributing to transmission description of practices that reduce transmission knowledge is limited moderate substantial extensive
The nurse's perception on prevention of infectious disease is to minimizing the acquisition and transmission of infectious disease. (Dochterman & Bulechek, 2004, p 468) patients with the droplet with the known or suspected micro-organisms that are transmitted by droplets should be isolated in unable they should be placed in a room with a patient who has also got the same infection. If sharing room at the residential facility ensure there is at least separation of 3 feet between patients. (Panlilio etal, 2005 p 466) wear appropriate masks for respiratory infection on entering room or working with in one metre of the patient as recommended by( Liz 2009.) Barrier nursing should be a ritual during direct contact ...