Career Analysis

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My first experience of doing job was at United Methodist Church as a “Receptionist Secretary”. Following the Gibb's model of reflection, I would describe my experience of working there. Gibbs model of reflection is quite simple and asks a person for a clear explanation of a situation, proper examination of the feelings associated with an experience, assessment of the incident, assessment to make sense of the incident, and a conclusion. Where the alternate options are taken into consideration and are reflected upon experience to analyze what would a person do if the situation arose again. (Maich, Brown and Royle Pp. 80, 2000) My job responsibilities included answering the incoming calls of the customers and answering their queries. It was a part of my job to answer the queries of the people, and make sure that they get proper answers to their queries. Another part of my job was to make calls to the people with whom the church management had some business with or any other query, which included gathering information about anything that was required by the management of the church.

Then I used to manage the appointments of the district superintendent of the church. It was my responsibility to make sure that all the appointments are handled properly, and every appointment is scheduled properly according to the nature and the importance of concerned person. I handled all the personal and work related appointments of the district superintendent.

Then the last responsibility of my job was to maintain the files of the church, which had all the important documents. I used to organize those documents and kept them in a way that whenever someone needed one of the documents, they could easily acquire the documents.

It was not a very high profile job, but during that job, I learned how to deal with people, my interpersonal skills developed during that job. It was a clerical sort of job, but I was doing that job to support my life and manage my personal finances. The best thing about that job was that it allowed me to interact with people; this gave me a chance to develop my interpersonal skills that are very necessary in the career that I have chosen for myself. The job of handling mental patients requires a person to have tremendous communication skills and a great stamina because it is not easy to handle a mental patient. (Practice for health care professionals Pp.52, 2003) This job gave me an experience to deal with people face to face, and during the job, I handled many difficult people, which has enhanced my skills to deal with people.

Had I not done the job, I would have wasted my time sitting idle at home and doing nothing at all. This would have impacted my career in a negative way, as I would lost a valuable chance of gaining experience of handling people, which is very essential for handling people. (Portfolios ...
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