Business Proposal

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Business Proposal

Mr A.B Jones,

98 Manor Avenue,

Ilford, Essex IG1 XY,

United Kingdom.

Dear Mr Jones

My solicitor had made a suggestion that I present to you my business Express Tours. I presently require financing, and I believe that you and my company share a common interest in tour industry businesses. I hope that my company stands eligible for a worthwhile investment for you.

Express Tours is well-positioned to reap the dynamic opportunities in the market in relation to customised tour planning. We aim to be the leader of tour services for East Asia and Pacific regions, with our thoroughly professional marketing strategies, able and efficient management, and quality customer support service.

We require £90.000 financing, and this is the ceiling limit of funds anticipated. The funds are to be utilised in the refurbishment of shop, expansion of staff and marketing activities, and particularly in the development of our database and website.

I thank for your time in consideration of business proposal for Express Tours. We would be in contact shortly, to see of you have any queries in relation to our progress in the matter. Thank you.

Business Proposal

Business Description Express Tours is involved in the tour-planning services for Asia-Pacific vacations to the residents of the Essex region. Tourism industry is one of the booming sectors of the economy, and Express Tours look to exploit the favourable trend of this industry by taking advantage of the opportunities available in the Asia-Pacific regions (Baugh, L. Sue; Hamper, Robert J, 1995). Company's Mission Statement Express Tours aims to be a leader in the provision of tours and travel vacations for 25 and above professionals. Express Tours is committed to growth and strengthening of long-term relationships with customers and wants to be termed as the premier tourist company in the Essex County. The targets of the company are steady and swift growth, and to be earning profits in the year following the inception of operations. ( 2013.)

Services Express Tours has been appointed as agents to several large tour operators in the market. Recently, it has been successful in the sales of around 150 packages in the last six months, with almost minimal or no marketing effort at all. This achievement had gained an amount of £50,000 in respect of commissions. Revenues from the sale of insurance policies and other services are part of this amount, and in future, have the capacity to increase this amount even further. Express Traders provide a variety of services in support of the primary service of travel. These include destination detailing (before and after tour), travel insurance and also provide destination handbooks and guides to facilitate our respective customers (Riley, Patrick G,2002). Sales and Marketing Approach Express Tours has set a marketing strategy that calls for focus on one particular market segment and one geographic region. It believes value will be better added in the service if this strategy is to be adhered to. Recent studies have suggested that tourism is a booming business sector, and tourists and travellers prefer Asia-Pacific locations, in ...
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