Business Proposal

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Business Proposal - Onsite Fitness Facility

Table of Contents

Executive Summary3


Aims and Objectives4

Literature Review5

Key Features of Onsite Fitness Facility6

Employee Benefits6

Company Benefits6



Pros and Cons for Onsite Fitness Facility7



Determination of Health Needs8

Designing Programs (Products and Services)8

Employee Segmentation8

Built Employee Participation9

Suggested Measures for Onsite Fitness Center9

Conclusion & Recommendation10


Executive Summary

This report is for the proposal and implementation of an on-site fitness center to be incorporated in our current wellness program. In an agency such as DIA, it can be very demanding and stressful, both physically and mentally. The recommendation of this onsite fitness center is a way to present employees to embrace a healthy and physical fit régime into their everyday routines. An increase in our employees' fitness and overall well-being can maximize morale while reducing the absenteeism; reduce health care costs, which in turn will produce a more productive environment. Half our battle is won since we have an unused space big enough for this proposed fitness center. This 3,000sqft room that has been unoccupied for the last 1 ½ years can offer our employees a great and convenient location to get and stay fit. There are plenty of electrical outlets and separate men and women bathrooms with showers. There has been a growing concern in several departments about work related stress and there has been a notably and significant increase in employee absenteeism. The DIA, DLOC and other sub-facilities should consider creative ways to mitigate stress by providing our employees with a fitness facility to work out and relieve daily stresses. In not doing so, it could cause a negative effect on our agencies production levels as well as retention and recruitment. According to the Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies in 2011, suggest that employers who incorporate such facilities and programs have considerably higher retention rates among their employees. Employees who are stressed, not happy in regards to their work, or the relationship with supervisors and co-workers can lead to lower retention, thus high turnover rates. Planning an on-site fitness facility can require lots research, time, and meticulous attention to detail. Our focus goal is to increase our employees overall well-being and physical standards so that it may decrease personnel absenteeism and cost of health care. Supporting healthy life styles and healthy work environments, the company will be able to reduce costs and maximize work productivity and increase morale. Continued information included in this report will help describe the pros and cons as well as suggested business strategies for consideration.

Onsite Fitness Center at the Workplace


The quality health is considered as the most important component of healthy life in today's world. According to the research conducted by America Clinical Studies in 2009, the busy schedule of today's generation have led them to focus less on their health attributes. Further, the only entertainment that they view is the eat-out and hang-out with friends after office hours. The concern of health and consultancy with doctor only takes place when it is required. The research reviewed around 1100 people in America, and around 65% stated that they don't ...
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