Business Plan For Pizza Palace

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Business Plan for Pizza Palace

Business Plan for a Pizza Palace


The business idea behind this business plan is the creation of a new pizza shop “Pizza Palace”. The purpose of the business plan is to create an Italian shop that you would like to start and present it to the Dragons Den.

In light of this, idea of opening a pizza is more than a "bet" from the entrepreneurial point of view: it is universally appreciated and frequented the premises, with excellent prospects for success. One could argue that the pizza around if they are many, but their number should not discourage potential entrepreneurs: you cannot say that, in fact, all the Pizza palaces offer a quality product (in fact), and it is precisely in this direction that should direct their efforts (Mabey, Mayon, 2003). Between a pizza, "normal" and a Pizza palace success is a huge difference: the quality creates customer satisfaction, customer loyalty through a process that can become regulars of the Pizza palace, and thanks to their word of mouth the catchments area of the room can expand further.

Purpose off the Business plan

Our mission is to offer a healthy and accessible to all, ensuring absolute quality and respect of all production standards, paying close attention to product quality and raw materials used in the production cycle as well as careful management of the cold chain, allowing the product safe and sound preservation.

a) Targets long-term presence on the local and regional market.

b) Aims medium to the long-term presence on the local market and massive expansion in U.K with the possibility of extension and creation of new branches. Diversification of products in terms of types of pizza offers and creation of a line of products "gluten free" to satisfy customers with special dietary needs.

Product or Service unique or Remarkable

Organic products are mainly sold in specialty stores and includes both Vegetable, meat and stored (legumes, pasta, biscuits, etc.). Looking at the range of products offered products of the second type, in particular those based on cereals and you ' observed that their flavour is often far from the usual baked products and, at times, not very appealing. Hence the idea to propose the crackers that reconciles the genuineness of the ingredients grown or strictly organic, with a pleasant taste, close to that family of inorganic products. The product you intend to achieve and pizza with wheat flour, enriched with different cereal flakes (oats, rice, rye, barley, never etc.) The product would be sold in sealed bags, rigorously transparent, so allow the purchaser to see the product. The label reads the entire ingredients product. The use of organic ingredients means a limitation of the retention time of product, recommended three months of the date of manufacture. Both dates, those of production and expiry, they will appear on the label, consumer protection, the shortness of storage will, therefore, a high turnover rate warehouse and a minimum stock of a few days, ...
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