Business management along with management perspective within organizations is related to the matter of dealing and coordinating with people in order to attain the desired objective of the business. Be the business of any nature, an effective management is the backbone of any organization. Effective business management is done when the people and available resources are used efficiently in achieving the objective of the organization. It is an entire process to deal with people and utilize their abilities in the best possible manner. Administrating and managing the people and resources all together results in a successful management process. Further in the paper various perspectives and aspects of business would be discussed which will cover the management perspective, marketing perspective and human resource management. All these aspects have their own significance in the business which equally contributes towards the growth of an organization. Managers deal with the business activities to their fullest potential in order to get a healthy result against those efforts. It is important for an owner and manager too that they should be aware of all the business perspectives which carry worth towards the growth of organizational success (Carter & Jayachandran, 2012). They need to stay focused in order to watch that their subordinates are working as per the mentioned details and directions. A manager should emphasize more on motivating the employees so that they would use their skills and abilities to their best extent.
Effective managers tend to acquire both management and leadership skills in order to serve the organization and its each business perspective with excellence ( The company which I selected for my research paper is one of the largest and well known organizations named as “Wal-Mart”. Additionally in the paper, all the mentioned management perspectives and one other business aspect would be discussed with regard to the activities and perspectives of “Wal-Mart”.
Management Perspective
According to the Fortune Global 500, “Wal-Mart” is listed as the world's second largest corporation which runs a large chain of departmental stores. It has been the most profitable retail corporation in the United States of America. It always shared strong and accommodating relationship with its employees and labour. They have always taken care about their people in the best possible manner. They visualize their management perspective in a long run in order to maintain its successful sustainability. Since its inception the company used a slogan “Always low prices” which is currently replaced by “Save money live better”. Although the words were changed but it referred to the same meaning as it did previously. Their perspective was always from the customers view in order to provide them with the best goods in low prices so that they can save a plenty of amount for a healthy living. Their management perspective never focused on earning in billions and leaving their customers dissatisfied, in fact their emphasis was on providing the best quality and efficient delivery towards their customers (Freeman,, 2011, pp.486-508).
The management perspective of “Wal-Mart” wedged to ...