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Human Resources Management



LO 13

1.1 Defining Personnel Management3

Defining Human Resource Management3

1.2 Difference between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management4

1.3 Example of Personnel Management as a Feasible Approach4

Example of HRM4

LO 25

2.1 HRM Functions5

2.2 Role and Importance of HRM Functions6

2.3 Responsibilities of Line Managers in Relation to HRM7

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3.1 Impact of the Legal and Regulatory Framework on HRM Functions7

3.2 Significance of Human Resource Planning8

3.3 Stages of Human Resource Planning8

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4.1 Comparison of Processes of Recruitment and Selection9

4.2 Effectives of the Recruitment and Selection Techniques9

4.3 An Effective Recruitment Procedure10





This paper intends to explore several techniques, strategies, functions, and methods of human resource management (HRM) in contrasting organisations. The paper also explains the role and importance of HRM in achieving organisation's purpose and success. It evaluates and presents the role responsibilities of line managers in relation to human resource management functions. Besides, it also examines the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on human resource management functions. Along with aforesaid theoretical study of HRM, some pragmatic steps of HRM are also discussed. It includes significance and stages of human resource planning, stage and process of recruitment and selection in two organisations, and effectiveness of the recruitment and selection procedures.

Human Resources Management


HRM is a process of managing human resource in an organisation and managing the current inter-personal relationships, as well. These two methods are necessary in the growth and success of a business. HRM is also function in a company that emphasizes on management, recruitment and selection, and offering a path for the employees of the organisation (Gong,, 2009, pp. 264). All these functions and processes can be better understood through two divergent organisations in the UK, which include Tesco and Marks & Spencer's. Tesco is a gigantic retailer and grocery store in the UK ( In contrast, Marks & Spencer's is also the UK's leading retailer; however, it comprises mixed goods that include good quality clothing, home goods, and high-quality food products (

LO 1

1.1 Defining Personnel Management

Personnel management is a field of administrative discipline appointing and developing employees. It involves performing analysis of work, improving personnel needs, and orienting, recruitment, determining, training, and managing salaries and wages. It also involves resolving disputes, appraising performance, interacting will all employees at all levels (Bach & Edwards, 2012, pp. 11).

Defining Human Resource Management

Human resource management (HRM) is a comprehensive and strategic process of overseeing people and the environment and culture at the workplace. Successful HRM facilitates employees to participate productively and efficiently to the entire organisation guidelines and the achievement of the company's objectives and goals (Price, 2011, pp. 17).

1.2 Difference between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management

The difference between personnel management and human resource management is that personnel management includes employees and their payroll, and employment regulations, whereas human resource management involves the organisation of human resources and add to a company's triumph. Furthermore, personnel management is a conventional method and HRM is a contemporary approach to organising human resource in a firm.

1.3 Example of Personnel Management as a Feasible Approach

Tesco and Marks & Spencer's ...
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