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Module International Hospitality Operations


Evidence of Selecting the Business of Budget Hotel2


Profile of the Hospitality Industry in Thailand3

Demand for Budget Hotels in Thailand4

Use of Environmental Scanning Process5

Potential Competitors and Details of Markets Segments, Size, and Growth, Environment5

Main Players, Government Regulations and Land Use for the Budget Hotel6

Opportunities for Business Expansion8

Highlights of the Budget Hotel9

Branded Budget Hotels in Thailand10

Challenges in International Hospitality Industry10

Cross-Cultural Differences10

Technological Requirements11



Module International Hospitality Operations


Hospitality industry is a customer oriented industry and it has been watched closely by the customers. The brand image can be affected even from the minor errors and thus produces serious impact on the reputation of the company. This situation is crucial in today's world because of the globally distributed customers. These customers are not only the sign of maximum growth in this sector but also create the demand of customer satisfaction. For that reason, this is the major responsibility of budget hotels, luxury hotels, fast food outlets, contract catering, night club operations, fine dining places, and event management operations to ensure the maximum best quality services for their customers. Because this is the key for success in order to get the customer satisfaction and maintain their good will in front of their worldwide distributed customers. Globalization is largely affecting this industry and thus increases the demand of international business expansion in hospitality industry (Nadiri & Tanova, 2010, pp. 34).

For this purpose, the CEO of the LSBU group of hospitality operators seconds a management consultant to undertake a piece of research. The research focuses on the opportunities for expanding business operations in a developing country. It further assesses the prospects for triumph and the pitfalls that a potential investor must be aware of prior entering the market. The research also analyses the profile of the hospitality industry in a selected country. It also critically evaluates the prospects for growing operations and understanding of the challenges in that region. Lastly, the research paper evaluates the relevant advantages and disadvantages of existing business practices in that region.

Evidence of Selecting the Business of Budget Hotel

Hayes & Ninemeier (2008, pp. 1) affirmed that the industry of hospitality has frequently been explained as “people business.” The industry of hospitality is the foremost element of the larger tourism and travel industry. The not-for-profit and for-profit organisations in the segment of hospitality share an identical objective. This common goal is to offer accommodation and / or lodging entailing food services for individuals or group of people, when they are far from homes or living place. Considering these characteristics of hospitality industry, it will be essential and profitable to commence a business in the field of hospitality industry. The segment chosen in this field is of budget hotels. One of the most important reasons for selecting this business is the location for its operation. A developing country would be feasible and beneficial for initiating the business of budget hotel and expanding the business of LSBU group of hospitality operators.

The viewpoint for the global hospitality industry persists to be in fluctuation; the impact of ...
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