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Developing Individuals and Teams

Developing Individuals and Teams


Effective Team building and creating future leaders is a continuous process. It is an effective and a result process where group members of the team, learn how to work collaboratively and coordinate with each other for securing the objectives of team. The principles that are associated with effective team building and leaders include some fundamental core components; in which shared vision, mission are communicated. Strategies should be proposed for achieving the goals and objectives of the team by creating collaborative and synergistic teamwork. Mutual and individual accountabilities must be sensed.

There must be Positive assertions among the team members and cohesive environment so that everyone may work with full potential. Another core principle is that team member must consider themselves as significant part of the team. Effective Team building requires the exceptional integrity and honesty among the members of the team. Social and moral support must be there for mutual supports and there should be the highest level of trust among the members of the team.

Principles underlying leadership of Individuals and Teams

There are six critical success principles that must be implemented in any of the groups for achieving Dynamic Leading Team.

The principles are as follows;

Setting of SMART Goals

Committed Leadership

Integrity and Mutual Trust

Individual Commitments

Personal Accountability

Supportive Sponsors and Focus on Stakeholders

Setting of SMART Goals

For achieving the objectives these must be well defined and communicated among the Team members. Goals must be set on the SMART basis, for instances; These must be specific to the core subject matter, it must be measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound. Sub goals and target must be set so that every member knows that what is to be accomplished by today and next day. Without Smart goals, teams will never be able to achieve its objectives and targets.

Committed Leadership

Every Team must have a committed team leader who will be responsible for the results of the team and its members. The leader must be committed to the team's results. The leader must be made by the agreed consensus of all the team members. Team must stimulate and motivate every member of the team for achieving the goals of teams and build a platform of mutual trust and employee relations.

Integrity and Mutual Trust

Mutual Trust, honesty and Integrity are such parameters that engage every member committed to their responsibilities. The fundamental element of the successful team work is Trust. For building the trust, team must believe in the openness and every member should be allowed to participate in the decision making. Behavioural and the value assessment is the best tool to gauge the uniqueness and the talent of the individual for developing the shared comprehensiveness of the teams.

Individual Commitments

Individual commitment is the most fundamental aspect of the team member unless members are not committed to themselves for working team combined result can never be achieved. When a team has developed a plan for achieving the objectives, It must be committed by the members of the team to purse these objectives ...
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