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Personal and Professional Development 1



Task 1 Lifelong development by self managed learning2

1.1Approaches to self managed learning3

1.2Ways to Encourage Lifelong learning4

1.3Benefits of self managed learning to individual and organization5

Task 2 Responsibility for own personal and professional development7

2.1 Evaluating Current Skills and Competencies8

2.2 Identification of own skills9

2.3 Current and Future Needs10

2.4 PDP on Needs10

Task 3 Implement and continually review own personal and professional development plan12

3.1 Implementation of development plan12

3.2 Document Development Activities12

3.3 Critical Reflection on Learning13

3.4 Feedback and Evaluation14

Task 4 Demonstrate acquired interpersonal and transferrable skills14

4.1 Work Based Problems14

4.2 Appropriate Communication Style15

4.3 Effective Time Management Strategies15


Personal and Professional Development 1


Personal development planning is a process through which an individual can define ones' own identity and explore the potential, talents and possessed capability which will enhance standard and quality of life thus leading to the realization of aspirations and dreams. From the broader perspective it will also facilitate employability and human capital (Pavlina , 2000, p. 100).

The process helps in thinking deeply in a structured way, about ambitions and life. Defined success will make an individual seek the right information in order to make right choices. By availing the opportunities to experiment and explore new areas will develop better understanding of oneself. Personal development provides many benefits to professional life.

The purpose of this paper is to provide personal and professional development portfolio that will help in achieving the goal set. To reach the targets successfully, personal and professional development portfolio should be used to its fullest which will be depicted in ones' performance (Lee , 2006, p.68).

Task 1 Lifelong development by self managed learning

Self managed learning consists of different ways through which an individual is making a continuous effort in acquiring, implementing and creating knowledge in relevance to the learner's distinctive problem. Effective self managed learning will support lifelong long development. Self directed learning clarifies the goal setting, personal orientation achievement goals and self direction associating it with lifelong learning as it link higher education with the realistic industry and further education (Boer , 2010, p. 6).

Approaches to self managed learning

There are various approaches to self managed learning that will encourage the lifelong development in personal and professional context. People come up with their own strategy of learning which enables them in learning and acquiring knowledge for long term. The approaches that could be used are;

Conferences and Seminars

Seminars are arranged in order for the speaker to share their experience and successes with the audience. People learn from the knowledge being conveyed and discover something new to learn. This also boosts up the confidence in speaking in public and polish presentation skills (Miles , 2011, p.19).

Internet and databases

Internet is biggest resource that can be utilized in self managed learning. Any kind of information is easily accessible through internet. Online free libraries and databases helps in acquiring knowledge for research and reports. One can even search jobs that in particularly caters to ones' interest (James , 2010, p. 82).

Social Networks

Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Linkin help people knowing and learning about ...
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