Business Management

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Executive Summary

This report intends to discover pragmatic insights about a number of themes related to operations management. The field of operations management is a vast and enormous sector of several different subjects, which can be applied depending upon the nature of the business and industry. In simple words, operations management is defined as a field of management related to managing, designing, and governing the procedure of construction and reconstructing business operations in the development of goods and services. This report specifically examines operations improvement in relation to a local and small firm founded and located in the UK. For this purpose, studying the improvement process of a restaurant's operations and production is an ideal case to investigate and analyse. The restaurant selected for this report is Jacqueline's Restaurant & Tea Room situated in the city town and district of Gloucester, in Gloucestershire. Although, this is a small and local restaurant, yet it is considered as one of the best high tea restaurant in its location. Investigation and examination of operations improvement of small and local firm provides a number of diversified ideas, strategies, and recommendations to be implementing for improvement and progress in the future development, production, and expansion of the company.

Main Words

Operations management, operations improvement, Jacqueline's Restaurant, firms, companies, organisations, business, strategies, the UK, operational improvement, approach.


Main Wordsii



A Brief Detail Of The Selected Company2

Problem or Issue Related to Operations Improvement2

Reasons for Investigating the Aforesaid Issue2

Impact on the Company's Processes4

Factors and Performance Measures for the Issue5





Figure 111

Figure 211

Figure 312



Investigating the ancient era of World War II, it can be discovered that production of bottlenecks obliged the government of the UK to seek engineers and scientists to help accomplish utmost production in armed forces. These engineers and scientists formulated mathematical formulae and models to seek solutions to the dilemmas of growing production of armed forces paraphernalia. This brief example is regarded as “operations research (OR)” (Cheema, 2005, pp. 1). It is amazing to believe that until a couple of years back the entire subject of operations change was scarcely recognised in generally operations administration messages. Additionally, one could contend that operations administration itself is one enormous change exertion. Every part in this report has the understood goal of bringing about a significant improvement.

This report particularly covers a brief detail of the selected firm, the particular problem or issue related to operations improvement, reasons why the problem or issue is important to investigate, its impact on the company's processes that are demonstrated using a process flow chart or similar diagram to show the functional relationships, success factors and performance measures for the issue or problem, opportunities or implications for changes to the way the problem is being managed now, any critical resource implications or constraints, critical operations issues affecting the problem such as process technologies, staffing, costs, and recommendations for improving the problem including comparisons of your recommendations against the current system.


A Brief Detail Of The Selected Company

Jacqueline's Restaurant & Tea Room is a restaurant that includes a coffee shop or ...
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