Business Management

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Leadership Strategy and Planning for Leadership

Executive Summary2

Introduction and Overview3


Definition of Leadership Strategy3

Important Facts and Background of Ritz Carlton Hotel3

2.1 Current Leadership Situation of Ritz Carlton Hotel4

Review of a Range of Leadership Theories and Models5

“Great Man” Theories5

Trait Theories5

Contingency Theories6

Behavioural Theories6

Transformational leadership6

Transactional leadership7

2.2 Creating a Realistic Leadership Strategy for Ritz Carlton Hotel8

2.2.1 Recommended Leadership Style: Transformational Leadership8

2.2.2 Recommended Leadership Capability: Strategic Leader9



Executive Summary

Today, organizations greatly depend upon competent leadership to direct them through unparalleled modifications. Nevertheless, there exist abundant data that support the fact that a number of excellent and most esteemed firms are not able to acclimatize to change, employ their strategic arrangements fruitfully or practice for a more indecisive future (Tarabishy,, 2005, pp. 22). Since, a number of well recognized firms are vanished or are owned by other organizations, such as, Chrysler, Northern Rock, Lucent, Leman Brothers, and Merrill Lynch, and also newly developing forces, such as the economies of China and India have emerged. Nonetheless several top executives lament the deficiency of leadership power in their organisations and speculate what will occur once the generation of baby-boomer leaders ultimately steps away. Can top executives estimate about the next generation of leaders to emerge out once they are in arrangement? What can a specific firm can do to evade the perils related to insufficient leadership and better practice its present and future leaders for alterations that are up till now unpredicted?

This paper intends to review the impact of management and leadership theories on organizational strategy. For this purpose, an organisation is selected that is located in the UK. The organisation is none other than Ritz - Carlton Hotel (The Ritz London - A Partner Hotel). The hotel's current leadership situation is reviewed and a range of leadership theories and models are also examined to create a realistic leadership strategy aimed towards a specific organisational direction.

Leadership Strategy and Planning for Leadership

Introduction and Overview

A well-defined business strategy is completely ingrained in every leader. Some, nevertheless, give consideration to the leadership, which will be needed to employ approaches that call for modifications in the guidelines for potential of the firm. With lack of proper leadership strategy, even the boldest and the best methods and approaches expire on the vine, their capabilities never acknowledged (Hussey, 2013, pp. 33). The concept of developing an effective leadership can be better comprehended by reviewing current leadership situation of Ritz Carlton hotel and then reviewing a range of leadership theories to create a realistic leadership strategy.


Definition of Leadership Strategy

Leadership strategy can be defined as the strategy that inspires others. It drives successful leadership. An effective leadership strategy can eloquent, inculcate a long term vision, and also organise daily operations with the necessary element of passion.

Important Facts and Background of Ritz Carlton Hotel

Ritz Carlton is one of the best, great, and grand hotel in London. The hotel provides all contemporary expediency, however it also undertakes their social responsibilities sincerely. For more than 10 decades, the hotel has been represented itself as home to the thousands of the glitterati, ...
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