Business Management

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Business Management


Unit 5 - Team Individual Project3

Background of the Report3

Team Development3

Tuckman Four Stages of Group Development Model4

Internal Environmental Factors of Organization4

Twelve Cs for Successful Team Building5

Unit 5 - Team-Discussion Board7


References For Unit 5 - Team-Discussion Board10

Unit 5 - Team Individual Project

Background of the Report

Being the VP of the Service Department a large global high-tech company, I have been tasked by my supervisor to prepare a research paper that will communicate information and solutions as well as provide a foundation of knowledge so that I can work with my peers and employees to solve the problems and issues of low employee morale and cultural and communication differences at the office. There are also concerns regarding the employees' selfishness; and the employees do not take pleasure in working as a team. This report will analyze and evaluate the different behavior approaches, including the Tuckman four stages of group development model. Moreover, it will also assess the significance of the internal environmental factors of organization. At the end of the report, necessary steps to overcome the identified challenges will also be discussed.

Team Development

In fast-paced organizational environment of nowadays, the implementation of teamwork has brought about innovational problem solving and enhanced performance levels in organizations. Furthermore, one of the most vital factors is teamwork that is essential to put a company on Fortune magazine's list of the “100 Best Companies to Work for in America”. According to Lussier & Achua (2001), “everyone talks about teams, but it takes more than an ad hoc group of people to make up a winning team.” (p. 249) Kouzes & Posner (2002) also proposes that success or leadership is a total team effort. Instead of a solo act, leadership is accompanied with the winning strategies derived from the 'We, not I' philosophies.

Tuckman Four Stages of Group Development Model

In 1965, Tuckman conceptualized what has become the best known theory of group development. Tuckman proposed a popular four-stage model of forming, storming, norming, and performing, on the basis of a review of studies and theories of groups over time. First, when the group is forming, the group members collaborate and meet one another, anxiety and uncertainty are common, statuses and roles are unclear, and discussion addresses the purpose and tasks of the group. Group members look to others to provide information, guidance, and feedback regarding what task and interpersonal behaviors are acceptable in the group. Second, during storming, members try to communicate their individuality and oppose the formation of group structures. Arguing, competition, defensiveness, power struggles and formation of factions are said to occur in this stage.

Third, during norming, members take on the group and other members' idiosyncrasies and start to interact openly and harmoniously to avoid conflict. In this stage, responsibilities become clear, agreements are made, members accept and relate to their statuses and roles, and norms regulating behavior materialize. Fourth, during performing, the group follows its norms and works constructively toward goal fulfillment. Tuckman and Mary Ann Jensen later added a fifth and final stage in 1975, ...
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