Building And Managing Health And Safety Programs

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Building and Managing Health and Safety Programs


The process of building and managing workplace health and safety procedures requires an extensive effort on the part of all employees within the organization. The policy makers while employing the implementation of health and safety programs should look to address the needs of the major stakeholders of the organization as any negligence in this regard would be highly detrimental for the objectives of healthcare safety. Many scholars are of the unanimous view that building a workplace health program should look to implement a systematic, coordinated and comprehensive procedure. By involving a coordinated approach, all the major concerns of the stakeholders are not only ascertained but there is also a huge emphasis on successfully addressing them.


A well planned and coordinated approach to workplace health and safety ensures that all the major discrepancies and loopholes have been addressed to in an appropriate manner. The policy makers while employing a coordinated approach look to implement policies, environmental supports and benefits that accomplish the health and safety needs of the organization. Since all organizations have some skilled employees that have to work on dangerous machines and equipments, the presence of health and safety policies goes a long way in protecting them as well as making them aware of the actions to be followed in the case of any accident or an unforeseen event. The different policies and procedures must look to address the health and safety needs of employees well before hand because they are the ones for which the health and safety programs are employed (Robson, Clarke, Cullen, Bielecky, Severin, Bigelow, & Mahood, 2007).

Workplace health promotion programs have more chances of being effective if the health and occupational safety is given top priority in the execution and design. There has been ample proof of the ...
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