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Assignment on Biology

Biology is considered as the largest branch of science. There are some main sub disciplines of biology that are: botany, zoology, and microbiology. Students, who study biology, at any level are often required to submit assignments on biology. With respect to such a broader field, Researchomatic ifs offering you thousands of topics related to biology assignments. Students can easily access to biology assignments and can get help in completing their own biology assignment.

My Environment
My Environment My Environment Page 9: Question 3 Account for the difference in morphology (physical appearance) for the two sub-species of Acacia Sophorae. Acacia Sophorae, also entitled Coastal Wattle, is wattle, belonging to plant kingdom and found in the coastal and sub-coastal Australia. This has further divided into two broad categories, namely Sophorae ...
BIOLOGY Urine Analysis Methods Table of Contents Introduction2 Main Content3 Procedure of Analysis of Urine in Lab3 MAST Urine Screening System5 Cell Counting Method: Fuchs-Rosenthal chamber and Kova disposable chamber5 Analytical Profile Index (API):6 Chromogenic agar: Oxoid - Chromogenic UTI and Bio-Rad - Uriselect7 Colony Counting Method8 Oxoid Brilliance UTI9 Phase Contrast Microscopy10 Dipslides11 Antimicrobial Disc Susceptibility Tests12 iQ200 Automated Urinalysis System13 Sysmex-UF-1000i Biomerieux15 Dipstick Testing15 IDS RapID ...
Natural Selection
Natural Selection Natural Selection Introduction These days, in today's modern era of constant development, growth, expansion and constant changes that occur in the world today, it becomes rather difficult to understand the kind of challenges that are being experienced in terms of human genetics. This needs to be assessed in detail ...
BIOLOGY Methods of Altering Cellular Activity Methods of Altering Cellular Activity Introduction Steroid hormones are generally all derivatives of cholesterol. All steroid hormones are made up of the uniform atomic number system and cyclopentanophenanthrene ring as is found in cholesterol, with vitamin D being the only exception. The process of altering 21-carbon steroid ...
Methods Of Signalling
METHODS OF SIGNALLING Steroid Hormones and Glucocorticoid methods of signalling Steroid Hormones and Glucocorticoid methods of signalling Introduction Steroid hormones are chemical messengers produced from cholesterol and can, like all other hormones; influence the activity of groups more or less wide of the target cells. Because of this common origin, steroid hormones have ...
PHYSIOLOGY physiology Abstract The lactate threshold person "means the concentration of individual athletes in blood lactate in the incremental exercise to some extent, lactate production and clearance of the threshold for the loss of dynamic balance, lactate blood started strong augmentation. To improve the function and athletic performance student volleyball players, ...
Skin And Its Layers
Skin And Its Layers Skin And Its Layers Introduction The skin of the human is the outer layer of the body that covers the whole body. In the human body, the skin is the body's largest sensory organ and it is the largest organ of the integumentary system. Skin is also known as ...
Fifth Cranial Nerve
FIFTH CRANIAL NERVE Fifth Cranial Nerve Fifth Cranial Nerve Introduction This paper intends to discuss the anatomy of the fifth cranial nerve from its origins in the brain to the site of action. The basic medical term used for the fifth cranial nerve is the 'trigeminal nerve'; however it is also called ...
Innate And Adaptive Immunity
Innate and Adaptive Immunity Answer #1 The identification of Th1 and Th2 cells has provided a useful model for our understanding the selective induction, polarization, and reciprocal regulation of distinct arms of the immune response (1, 25). Th1 cells are normally induced following infection with intracellular bacteria and viruses, whereas Th2 ...
Organic Farming
ORGANIC FARMING Climate, Soils and Organic Farming Climate, Soils and Organic Farming Introduction The climate change and agriculture are interrelated processes. According to the IPCC, the major impact of climate change is on the quality of forage and grain (Wollenberg, 2012). For rice, the amylose content of the grain (which determines the ...
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