Bioecological Model Of Human Development

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Bioecological Model of Human Development

Bioecological Model of Human Development

The four systems of the Bioecological Model of Human Development are Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, and Macrosystem. Microsystem refers to the stage during which the information heard and viewed by the infants are encrypted in them. It consists of the environment where the child is living. It has a major influence on the child as the information heard and seen by the child is embedded inside them. It consists of the society and the individual that interact with the child. The influence on the children is exhibited by the family members, school, societies, teachers, neighborhood and childcare environment. The microsystem influences a child in several ways because it consists of who are interacting with the child. The child has Microsystems depending on his or her age. The higher the age, the more Microsystems the child will have (Damon, 1998).

The mesosystem denotes the relations between the different Microsystems. It has an influence on the child. For example, it provides the connection between the parents of the child and his teachers or between school and the neighborhood. It can be used to explain how a child who has been rejected by his parents would find it difficult to form a close working relationship with teachers or other family members (Damon, 1998).

Exosystem is the link between the child's immediate context and the social setting in which the child has no active role to play. It influences the child in many ways. For instance, a child's father may be employed in a profession that requires of him to travel a lot. This nature of the job in which the child has no role to play may alter the way in which the father behaves with the mother or interacts with the child (Woodside, 2006).

Macrosystem is the ...
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