Lifespan Development

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Lifespan Development

Lifespan Development

When it comes to understanding life patterns, Reviving Ophelia makes an outstanding mark on the problem, repercussions and hindrances that occurs for a young child at school and what problems occur that may lead sabotaging the young brood themselves. Whenever individuals have been undertaken for the purpose of understanding their thinking patterns, ways of living, acts of thought and expression, it shall always link back to the roots where all individuals had come from (Aidman, 2002).

Erick Erickson's Developmental Stages

Development theories have been developed and identified for the significant aim of understanding the development, appraisal and growth of human beings on an innate and extrovert level. Erik Erikson was a noted research analyst, holding lengthier backgrounds, thereby making viable contributions in the name of greater comprehension towards human development and course accordingly. All the stages that require close consideration have been defined and designed under strict surveillance and investigation that can help us greatly affect the functioning and subliminal development of the human sponge. All the stages that have been stated below have been given a particular trait development interval where the individuals has two extreme conditions; either he could find his true self or be lost forever in the life that is ahead of him. The purpose of highlighting these stages in particular is that the child is extremely tender in terms of thinking and understanding regarding the world around them (Beyerstein, 2001). As you can understand with the stages that have been made and narrated in the context above, this shall be able to highlight and identify the step-by-step escalation of individuals throughout the life. Erik Erickson's Developmental stages have been exceptionally popular with psychologists and research analysts and have made a remarkable contribution to the world of psychology.

Age bracket

Ego development outcome

Basic strengths

Birth to 18 months

Mistrust v/s Trust

Hope and Drive to Explore

18 months to 3 years

Shame v/s Autonomy

Self-control, Courage and Will

3 to 5 years

Guilt v/s Initiative

Purpose of Existence

6 to 12 years

Inferiority v/s Industry

Competence and Methods to succeed

12 to 18 years

Role Confusion v/s Identify

Devotion and Fidelity

18 to 35 years

Intimacy and Solidarity v/s Isolation

Love and Affiliation

35-55 or 65 years

Self-Absorption or Stagnation v/s Generativity

Care and Production

55 or 65 till death

Despair v/s Integrity


Table I: Erik Erickson's Development Stages

Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Model

On the other hand, Bronfenbrenner's model centers on the idea that individuals' experiences cannot be understood unless the settings that meaningfully influence their lives are also examined. This model states that human development is a function of psychological and biological traits and the environment. Bronfenbrenner further suggested that individuals actively construct their contexts and their relationships with their environments are dynamic (Elliot, 1998).

The model itself basis and founds upon four major portions of child development. These areas significantly impact the development of a child and enable to either develop or deteriorate in several circumstances. These are microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem and chronosystem. At the center of Bronfenbrenner's model is the developing individual, including biological and psychological traits. The next level, the microsystem, involves contextual factors directly involving the ...
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