Bioecological Model

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Bioecological Model

Urban Health Model-Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Model


Bronfenbrenner was a psychologist who developed a theory of Human development which focused on the environmental systems that influence the individual and their development as human beings. His theory is one of the most accepted theories in the field of modern evolutionary psychology. However, in the context we will discuss the physical, social, and environmental factors that contribute to children's health in an urban setting.


Bronfenbrenner identified the difference between the biological influences and environmental forces and hence termed as the bio-ecology in nature. Child development influence by the factors in which they are brought up. Hence, they are mostly influence through physical, social and environment in which they lived. These factors shape their life with change in one element ultimately change the other element within them. In order to understand the structure within the model and their influence and interaction is a significant component to understanding the model. Bronfenbrenner's ecological model contains a set of environmental structures at different levels. In Bronfenbrenner, ecological environment of the child consists of four nests.

Micro-system: This is the system where child lives. This include family, peer group neighborhood and school life. This system helps to shape the development of the person; this person has direct contact with them. The nature of this system is that people who have direct contact with an agent to assist in the construction of the system settings

Meso-System: This system is the relationship between Microsystems. Microsystems are linked together and can be seen from the relationship between the life of the school, neighborhood and family. For example, peers can interfere with the implementation of individual school, and even relationships with family units.

Exo-system: In this system, people do not have an active role in defining the settings, but the settings have a direct impact on the individual. For example, when the governments build schools this will create a micro-environment system. Parents can also delay off from work, and this will lead to certain results to the family, such as low income levels, a lack of basic needs in the family (

Macro System: It is a system that is caused by ideology, society, culture and society, which affects the individual directly, but he has less in the determination of its settings. This can be clear from the ideologies like, capitalism socialism and democracy. Moreover, religions like Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, etc and culyural groups such as ...
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