Assignment 2: Minor Essay

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Assignment 2: Minor Essay

Assignment 2: Minor Essay

This essay aims to answer the main assignment question of How does 'globalization' assist sociology in its “systematic study of human society” (Macionis and Plummer 2012: 964)? In order to best answer this question, this paper begins by briefly highlighting the key terms of globalization and sociology with the intent of clarifying and understanding these related concepts. Followed by, a discussion of different arguments to help reach a conducive conclusion.

According to Al-Rodhan & Stoudmann (2006) it is not easy to define globalization as it cannot be encompassed within a set time or frame and is actively evolving with time. Globalization involves integration of different economies and development of cross-border policies in order to promote diversity and interrelations amongst different nations. Different terms, such as the global village were coined as a result of rapid globalization, which has led to the demarcation of many geographic boundaries, resulting in an influx of different cultures at a global level.

Conversely, sociology is termed as a scientific discipline that lays emphasis upon how social groups of individuals or any other living organisms think, act, feel and live. Sociology also encompasses studying how individuals are supposed to behave in acceptable manner according to the norms, values and culture of their society. An important aspect of sociology is to study the behaviors and relationships of individuals according to the culture of their society. In other words, sociology can broadly be described as study of culture and societies.

In today's rapidly changing modern world, sociology and globalization are becoming interrelated in various aspects. One of these aspects is related with how rapid globalization is having a detrimental influence upon the changing the society. This is most commonly been observed through it bringing about a transformational change in the perceptions and behaviors of individuals, along with, influencing a change in the society's culture.

Similarly, Young et al. (2006) notes about global change taking place at a social level by expressing about the growing impact of globalization, which has paved way for new and modern technology. It is because of this new modern communications technology, people are now able to connect with their friends and family in any part of the world. Such modernized and seamless communication means has changed the interactional norms of individuals. Many modern sociologists consider personal or face-to-face communication as a dying cultural norm. However, where globalization has changed the way of communications and connecting with other individuals, a more positive aspect being observed in today's world is that of higher diversity and cultural awareness.

Other important globalization trends as noted by Young et al. (2006) are increasing dependence of human beings on the world's natural resources such as oil and gas for generating energy. This scarcity has resulted in brutal invasions, for example US invasion on Iraq behind the veiled auspices of overthrowing a dictatorial regime. This invasion has resulted in the death of thousands of individuals and global peace turmoil. Similarly, this highlights one of the social negative consequences ...
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