Assignment 2

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Assignment 2

Assignment 2


The increasing number of maternity leaves in the organization has turned out to be a serious issue to consider. It has been directly affecting the productivity, and the business has failed to retain a momentum and stability in work. . Leaves within 3 years of the hire are taken by most of the females, and we have considered this arising issue to figure out the solution. Soon after the employee establishes in the environment, she takes days off and the whole working cycle is disturbed. On the other hand, the factor of cost associated with accommodating maternity leaves has also become an issue to consider. It has become a big concern for us to handle, for which the proposed solutions are described below.


For finding a solution to the problem, several options are there to be considered, out of which few could be applied to the business. One of these options is to bring in changes in the recruiting policy. The suggestion is to set a minimum time period for the employees to work in the organization, before they can ask for the maternity leaves. The policy should be revived in a way that all women can only take the benefits related to maternity leaves, and the medical coverage after they work for at least 1 year in the organization, as per according to policies of the country (CDHRSD, 2001). With this change in policy the employees would start planning accordingly, and the company would not face the difficulties it is going through at this point. Currently, most of the employees take the maternity leaves within 3 years of their work in Canada, by setting this limit some stability in the workforce would be experienced as not every employee would be availing the leaves as soon as they join the firm. On the other hand, this would enable the organization to have sufficient employees working at the time when few of them are off for maternity leaves (Staehelin, 2007). This would ultimately create a balance in the structure, and would allow the organization to work at the optimum level of efficiency.

One solution to the problem is to bring in a change in the recruitment process, and hire more males as compared to the females. Currently, 57 per cent of the new hires are females and the company needs to adjust the hiring criterion with hiring more males. The paternity leaves in Canada are not that long as compared to the maternity leaves, and the male employees would be back to work within 3 days even if they go for the leaves. Considering the fact that maternity leaves are of a greater period, and could not be neglected, hiring more males would serve the purpose and resolve the issue to a great extent (Ten Cate, 2000). This change might bring in a shift in the organization and its environment, but the current issue that is taking place in the organization would be controlled in a very effective ...
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