Assignment 2

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Managing Team Dynamics

Managing Team Dynamics


One of the useful approaches to accomplish the task successfully is to develop a team or a group. The team dynamics acts as force that has an impact and operates within groups of different people or a team. These psychological forces will affect the team's performance and behavior. The team dynamics are the accumulation of the nature of the work of teams, the existence of personalities within team, relationship of working and people and the overall environment.

It is essential for an organization to manage team dynamics as there are many ways in which it can affect the operations of the business. First and foremost it will have its impact on the profitability of the business, thus an efficient and effective team dynamics will lead the organization to achieve the goals and the objective set. It does not only affect the profitability but also influence the motivation level. If the workers are satisfied and enjoying their work, they will be efficient and more dedicated towards work. Moreover, the staff retention rates will increase. Teams and groups may be interchangeably used, however there is a difference. Team dynamics and group dynamics are not the same thing (Butterfield, 2011, p.p 6-7). Many of times the word 'team' is incorrectly used for the term 'group.'

The purpose of the study is to determine the difference and discuss the team dynamics within an organization; Procter and Gamble (P&G). It is leader as a multinational manufacturer of varieties of products that ranges from personal care to other consumer products. It has one of the strongest portfolio that serves in almost all areas of the world (Burghard, 2004, p.p 18-20). P&G believes in teamwork and has led many successful project as it was able to manage the team dynamics. A case will be discussed where the team worked to introduce a new product in the market. This is in relevance to the Faminine Care product.


Difference between Team and Group

There is a misconception that prevails. The term and groups are considered to be same although there both are some differences. The groups can form the teams, however no every work groups can be considered as teams.

A team consists of more than two members, who have to work toward achieving the common and shared set of goals. They work jointly in order to achieve the aims and objective under the common leadership. The members will be jointly accountable for the outcome and performance. However, clusters of people form groups (Butterfield, 2011, p.p 6-7). They focus on the individual goals and have individual accountability.

The main difference lies where the team has a defined task. The members have an element of dependency on one another on the basis of efforts attaining the same goal. Work groups focus on individual goals and are accountable for oneself. The work groups are focused on individual's challenges and outcome however teams jointly look at the challenges taken and overall outcome. P&G created teams before the product which was needed ...
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