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Research Papers on Arts

The Arts is the combination of words, phrases or visuals to describe the expressions and thoughts of an individual. Researchomatic offers a wide range of academic papers on various fields of arts including fine arts, visual arts, music, drama, photography, decorative arts, etc.

Abstract In this study we try to explore the concept of “Health Care” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “American Health Care System” and its relation with Reforms in the area of Health care that has been occurred in recent years. The research also analyzes many aspects ...
MEXICO Physical and Cultural Geography of Mexico Latin America covers a different set of realities as it is composed of various peoples, ethnic and cultural differences, which are organized politically as independent states, colonies, or freely associated states. Because of this complexity ...
Utopian Society
Utopian Society "A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at which humanity is always landing." - Oscar Wilde The city is the most civilized form of human existence. It is the spatial forum of social interplay. The city is ...
Glaxo Smith Kline Change Management
Glaxo Smith Kline Change Management Introduction The "change management" is an emerging discipline that began to take shape during the 90s and is currently booming (Pettigrew, 167). Resistance to change is a must in the study of human reactions to change. When addressing the issue of employe ...
MOVE MOVE Abstract It was a standoff years in the making at 6221 Osage Avenue — the headquarters of a group called MOVE. The neighbors were fed up. The cops had warrants. And the members of the extremist back-to-nature organization had barricaded themselves inside. Their demand? Just ...
Standardized Tests
STANDARDIZED TESTS Standardized Tests Standardized Tests Introduction Standardized tests have been an integral part of the American education system since the mid-19th century. Current examples of standardized tests include the Stanford Achievement Test, which is used to assess student ...
Film, Television And New Media
Film, Television and New Media Film, Television and New Media Research Proposal Research Project topic The impact of film, television and new media and their related content on attention spans Research Question Do themes and content of specific television shows reduce the attention ...
PLAGIARISM APA Research Paper Abstract This paper highlights various issues related to Plagiarism and how we can remove it. It initially explicates the concept to plagiarism. It focuses on academia and journalism. It also explores the tools to detect plagiarism and finally delineates ...
Introduction Well the research I am assigned is to make a clear comparison between the primary sources and the secondary sources in context to “Conquest of Mexico”. The thesis statement for my research paper is “Spain pursued the conquest of Mexico because of Mexico's vulnerability to colonizati ...
Voip System Implementation
VoIP SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION VoIP SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION VoIP SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION Introduction Within the challenges of new technology there is a continuous increase in the administration officials, their subsequent conversion, and the eventual benefits is experienced within all or ...