Utopian Society

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Utopian Society

"A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at which humanity is always landing." - Oscar Wilde

The city is the most civilized form of human existence. It is the spatial forum of social interplay. The city is the image of the physical and spiritual existence of mankind in the world. One such example exists in a metropolitan spanning 5 square miles that's inhabited by of 250,000 citizens in an urban community known as Wandflower.

First establish with any precision, from a brief analysis of the founding story of Thomas More, the characteristics of the genre are the stories that impossible and the German language sometimes referred to by the term Stateswoman literally "novel of the state." (Manuel, Pp 43) This will include seeing how this designation is instructive in relation to the genesis of the modern state. This historical and political situation would allow me to distinguish the utopia in the strict sense of that with which it is sometimes confused, namely the ideal, illusion, myth or dream of the Golden Age.

Then, I will try, in a more general interpretation of the evolution of the concept of utopia. Since the original meaning - the word "utopia" means, as everyone knows, the title of a literary work of the Renaissance - to the present meaning - hence the term is more or less coincides with that of an ideal - as a good sign of the evolution of political thought, roughly from the Renaissance to 20th century

Finally, in the last part at least, I suggest some lines of thought on what today takes the place of utopia or may take place.

I do not know if we can answer sufficient certainty to the question I unwisely chosen for the conference title, but I think however that it is not possible to give it its full meaning without the effort clarification and historical retrospective.

Utopia, the Semantic History of a Word

The word utopia today and original sound: a brief history of the semantics of the word, Upwards from its current meaning in its original meaning is much more narrow and specific. Indeed, if we take the term utopia too broad, that in its ordinary meaning today, we are likely to take to the utopias which strictly speaking is not, and losing comprehension what is believed to have won extension. In common parlance, the adjective "utopian" in effect now covers the meaning of terms such as neighbors "impossible", "chimera", "unworkable", terms which we can add these references synonymy given by the Petit Robert in the entry "Utopia": "illusion", "mirage", "and dream “,” daydream"(Manuel, Pp 43).

Anglicized form of "utopia" is attested later - for the first time it seems - in Rabelais, another famous humanist. You can find the word in his famous description of the Abbey of Thelema (1532). Rabelais had read and appreciated Thomas More. However, one should not conclude too quickly to use the word to the presence of ...
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