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In this study we try to explore the concept of “Health Care” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “American Health Care System” and its relation with Reforms in the area of Health care that has been occurred in recent years. The research also analyzes many aspects of Health Care System, in the United States and tries to gauge its effect on those who cannot avail these health care services. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for troubled U.S Health Care System and tries to describe the overall effect of these problems on Health Care System. In the research papers, there has been discussed many reform programs that are made by the government.


The health care services in the United States of America are divided between the public and private. The country has no single system nationwide. The largest provider of health services is a competitive private sector, a level of assurance. Approximately 70% of the population is covered by a system of private health insurance which is mostly contracted through the employer, with joint contributions of employer and employee.

Thesis Statement

“The American Health Care System has problems that can be solved by making reforms from Government's side.”

Discussion and Analysis

On average, Americans spend a lot of money for their health that is 18% of GDP against 11.5% in France. But these costs are unevenly distributed. For those who are not covered by insurance are more than 46 million Americans and represents16% of the population, the risk of being badly treated, or be ruined by a health problem, is great. Barack Obama has pledged to reform this unfair system, but his project, rather modest compared to European systems, is described as "socialist" by Republicans. Americans are currently covered in a very different way. In France, everyone contributes to the health insurance agency managed by employers, unions and the state. This agency reimburses the expenses of insured persons. Nothing like the United States, the population is divided into several groups. The total is more than 100% because some Americans are covered in several ways that is Medicare and insurance (Belmartino 2002 Pp 221).

Those who are covered by the public are 25% of population in both programs, which cost more than 4% of GDP, is in place: Medicare for those over 65 and disabled, without means testing. Its cost is over $ 200 billion and Medicaid for the poor. Medicaid consists of fifty systems, one for each state. Those covered by insurance provided by employers are 60% which is true for most Americans. The system resembles mutual complementary, but they are not complementary. When the insurance is provided by the employer, it is part of the employee's wage: it pays only portion that is 30% contributions. The partner-insurer may be an HMO, insurer through a network of providers that is the insured cannot see that practitioners of the network. This system has become extremely costly for businesses. Ensure that those directly covered are 10% if they ...
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