Apple Inc. Environment Analysis

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Apple Inc. Environment Analysis

Apple Inc. Environment Analysis


The main purpose of this paper is to conduct an environmental analysis of a company and discuss the environmental threats faced by the company and the ways through which the company can respond to deal with these threats with minimal impact on business. The paper also discusses company's strengths and the use of these strengths to gain the competitive advantage in market. The main competitor of the company along with the competitive strategies has also been discussed in this paper along with the development of competitive strategies in declining economy of United States. Last but not the least, the paper is the description of ways through which the global competition might have impact on the business strategies and the ways through which the companies should respond to this. Since a long time, Apple Inc. has been involved in the business of manufacturing, selling and producing the computer hardware and software. Today, Apple Inc. is considered to be the leader in the technology industry and has gained competitive advantage due to its effective strategies. The company is running its operations in more than 25 countries with success.

Environmental Scan of Apple Inc.

Apple Inc. is operating its business in a very competitive environment. The new companies are entering into the market and the old companies are also launching new products and services which is a biggest threat for Apple Inc. The electronic industry is very competitive and it is very necessary for the companies operating in it that they should develop the effective strategies which could be helpful for them in gaining the competitive edge. In order to deal with the threats of new entrants and the competitors introducing latest products and services it is necessary that Apple Inc. should develop the competitive strategies and focus on bringing innovations. The newly innovated and latest technology development can be very effectively used for incorporating the essence of innovation within the company and help Apple Inc. gain competitive edge. To gain the competitive advantage and deal with the increased threats of competitors, Apple Inc. can focus on its manufacturing strategies to bring enhancement in the customer responsiveness, efficiency and quality of work. The product efficiency helps the company in lowering its cost and thus it does not have any such impact on business and helps the company in gaining competitive edge (Alexander 1994).

The external environment of Apple Inc. is also very effective which shows that Apple is very responsive in dealing with the changes occurring in outside world. On the other hand, Apple Inc. can also adopt the aggressive marketing strategies by developing the notebooks and niche market which is considered as the core business practice of the company. These marketing factors of Apple Inc. are helpful for the company in identifying the ways that could be effective for company in gaining the competitive edge. The direct selling model is also a very effective strategy through which Apple Inc. deals with its rivals (Morden ...
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