Anorexia Nervosa disease has become so active that we need to take necessary steps to bring awareness at societal and cultural level. Due to this disease, people often lose much of their weight even though they have proper meals and also develop a strong fear of weight gain, although they are underweight. This paper aims at identifying the disorders, symptoms, treatments, prevalence and discussion of the consequences related to the deadly disease linked with psychological disorder in humans. It has highlighted key areas on which world has to focus in order to reduce the symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa. The role of family in motivating the patients suffering from this disease is considered very important.
Table of Contents
Types of Anorexia5
Risk factors, Causes and Occurrence observed5
Signs and tests7
Differential Diagnosis8
Current Research9
Current Treatment Strategies10
Expectations (prediction)11
Precautionary action12
Prevention for Anorexia12
Anorexia Nervosa
A disease in which people start losing their weight more than is considered healthy according to their height and age is known as in Anorexia nervosa. It is a medical term for deficiency of appetite (Gowers SG, 2008). People frequently lose much of their weight even though they have proper meals. The disorders related to eating habits greatly affects almost 5 to 7% of United States national women beside small number of men are affected by Anorexia Nervosa. People suffering from this disease develop a strong fear of weight gain, although they are underweight. They continuously go for excessive exercises, diet controls and often try to adopt other methods like using medicines to lose weight is a commonly observed scenario. Anorexia can become a lifelong illness if it is not managed overtime. Eating disorders (Anorexia Nervosa) is not just related to food. This disease keeps on growing in those people who remain depressed and alone. They might use food as a means to survive, or they might stop their food intake as a way to direct. These people continuously feel that they are overweight due to mental illusion and eat very little food in order to reduce their weight. Due to this negligence, they face many health related issues like electrolyte imbalances, low count of sodium or potassium that results in problems related to body's work ability and malnutrition. Western culture promotes slimness as the best female form. Therefore, this disease is prevailing at a high level in western countries. Anorexia is a medical practice of self0starvation by people mainly found in women. (DiNicola, 1990)
Types of Anorexia
There are two different types of Anorexia found around the globe.
Restricting type: the ones who are suffering from this type of anorexia do not use drugs or nausea to lose weight. Even though, they do not eat too much due to the fear of gaining weight and becoming out of shape.
Binge- Eating Type: in this type of Anorexia people eat too much at one time and then get it clear by vomiting, exercising too much or by using laxatives. Usually, this act is done by wrestlers.