Anorexia Nervosa

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Anorexia Nervosa

Thesis statement

Anorexia nervosa is a type of eating disorder. Eating disorders are a group of illnesses where someone has a distorted view of body shape and weight, and they have large disturbances in their eating behavior (Brody 1).Anorexia Nervosa is a psychological problem more than a biological one and needs to be treated accordingly.

Characteristics of anorexia

Anorexia nervosa is characterized by:

The extreme concern about weight

Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat

The deliberate maintenance of very low birth weight

Often there is no menstrual cycle.

People with anorexia have a strong desire to lose weight and be thin (often unhealthily so). Although people with anorexia are usually underweight, they generally believe that they are "fat."Food, weight and appearance often become the focus of those who have anorexia. Focusing on food and weight becomes a (conscious or unconscious) way to deal with or manage strong emotions or emotional difficulties they are experiencing.

Both men and women of any social or economic conditions may suffer from anorexia. Although the disorder usually begins in late adolescence, it can appear at any age, and its onset is often associated with stressful events or the period of the diet.

What is the cause of anorexia?

Eating disorders such as anorexia are a combination of physical and mental health difficulties and there are usually several factors that contribute to its development. These factors may include some or all of the following (Frederich Hub Pomeroy 72) Often it is impossible to identify one cause of eating disorder person. Rather, eating disorders, usually resulting from a combination of factors working together. For some people it will be easy to determine that some of the reasons may be, but for others it can be very difficult. Regardless of the reason or reasons, it is important to remember that people with anorexia may recover.

Anorexia nervosa as a psychological problem

Anorexia nervosa is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes an eating disorder characterized by low body weight and body image distortion with an obsessive fear of gaining weight. People with anorexia are known to commonly control body weight by means of voluntary starvation, treatment, vomiting, excessive exercise, weight or other measures, such as diet pills or diuretic drugs. It primarily affects adolescent girls, but now it is clear that some% of people diagnosed are men. Anorexia nervosa is a complex condition, involving neurobiological, psychological and sociological components.Anorexia or eating disorder usually associated with teenage girls is increasingly widespread in epidemic proportion among men seeking to build the "perfect body”. It is believed that the number of men affected by anorexia is much higher than rates reported. Because many people never seek treatment for this disease (Brown 11). Because many cases are not reported, is "cape" over the fact that many experts call "the growing problems of unrecognized epidemic." Much of the blame is now pointed to the media, which consistently show casing many with finer and finer images of what is convincing our people, its "perfect body". "In accordance with the first national representative study of ...
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