Anorexia Nervosa

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Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia Nervosa

Psychological problems caused by eating disorders take much in the industrialized nations, most affected are young girls and women. The signs of anorexia (anorexia nervosa) are weight control, particularly hunger, weight loss and exaggerated. Those affected drink lots of water to numb the feeling of hunger, appetite suppressants and laxatives also be taken. It is often excessively driven racing in order to burn more calories and continue to decrease. Most of the whole schedule is determined by thoughts of calories, low calorie diet, weight loss. When eaten, the parties have now a guilty conscience. Well, they only feel when they are hungry. Starvation and weight loss is considered to be performance. The rapid weight loss of anorexia nervosa and the resulting metabolic disorders, hormonal changes. In women, menstruation may not occur in men can be to the sexual interest. (Agras, 2008) The main feature of the disorder bulimia are recurrent binge eating. During these binges, the patient takes in a short period a very large amount of food to him. This figure is substantially larger than the one that takes a healthy person in a comparable period to himself. On eating binges may occur even begun vomiting, but not necessarily.

Common causes

Childhood or family conflict.

Problems of growing becoming and in girls with the "female".

Focus on excessive thinness ideals.

Lack of self-awareness, family services and pressure to succeed.

Unconscious attention to making his own person, call for help for more attention and love.

Striving for independence and separation.

Increased risk of disease, when experimented in adolescence with fasting and diets, and the experience is made that can be adjusted after several days of starvation euphoria.


The bulimia nervosa (bulimia) is found more frequently in the general population than anorexia nervosa (anorexia). According to American studies, one can assume that the probability of suffering from bulimia in women (aged 15-30) at about 2%. The gender distribution corresponds approximately to the distribution of the anorexia nervosa (anorexia) (a woman to men is 12:1). The probable age of a first diagnosis is that of anorexia nervosa (anorexia) is very similar, approximately 16-18 years. (Andersen and Yager, 2005)

Differential diagnoses

Patients who have suffered from an obesity overweight suffer can get bingeing. Here are lacking in general, the subsequent attempts to regulate the weight measures by various (see the summary of bulimia). Showy eating habits can also work with various physical illnesses; diabetes mellitus, brain tumors, etc. go hand in ...
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