Analysis Of "the Pearl"

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Analysis of "The Pearl"


The story explores the destructive effect of colonial capitalism on the simple piety of a traditional native culture. Set in a Mexican Indian village on the Baja Peninsula around the turn of the century? the novella tells the story of Kino? an Indian pearl diver who discovers a massive? beautiful? and extremely valuable pearl. The pearl fills Kino with a new desire to abandon his simple? idyllic life in favor of dreams of material and social advancement? dreams that run headlong into the oppressive resistance of the Spanish colonial powers that top the social hierarchy of Kino's world .


Throughout the story "The Pearl"? Steinbeck makes each event lead to another. Each event has its own cause and effect towards the protagonists of the story? Kino and Juana which is very significant to the plot of the story. The entire major the events of the story create obstacles Kino and Juana must pass. These events create the main plot of the story and how it affects the protagonists (John? 25).

The beginning of the story starts off by John Stein introducing the main characters of the story Kino? Juana and Coyotito in the small town of La Paz. Steinbeck crates the first obstacle Kino and Juana must overcome. Their only child Coyotito has been stung by a scorpion and Kino sets out for a pearl to pay for the child's treatment. The climax of the story is when Kino is overwhelmed by what he can obtain with the miraculous pearl and is blinded from it? which results in Coyotito being shot by a bullet from the tracker. As the story concludes Kino returns to the village of La Paz realizing how he has been blinded by greed. The resolution of the story is when Kino throws the pearl into the ocean and looks back at what it has done to him and sees the harsh realities it has brought to himself and his family (John? 40). Finally he comprehends the more important things in life such as family? health? and life itself.

The first cause and effect starts when Coyotito has been bitten by the scorpion and then Juana decides to take him to a doctor? which seems to be that she is asking too much for someone whom in living in a life of poverty. The doctor refuses to treat Coyotito because Kino and Juana cannot afford the ...
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