The Pearl

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The Pearl


The book "The Pearl" criticized several issues among which is that of men who have money to enslave the poor who do not and do not help when they need it as when Kino went to the doctor to heal the wound Scorpion had his son, the doctor refused to treat you if you had no money, even allowing his son to die without any chance to live. This confirmed, when the doctor came home from Kino and heal his son, when she received the news that Kino had found a gigantic pearl. With this doctor tried to take advantage of Kino and earn some money when it got to sell the pearl, without thinking about the charity or the simple fact of being able to help people in need, while having plenty of money.

He also criticizes a theme similar to the previous, such as that traders take advantage of the poor who bring something to sell, and they offered the lowest price possible, knowing that the poor fishermen accept any offer just to win some money with which to survive. That was also a challenge for shoppers, who were better than others when they managed to buy something to offer the lowest price possible. The book also criticizes the thieves, not those who steal for a living, but those who are capable of killing to steal even a poor fisherman Kino. These thieves steal and kill to have more than others and be powerful.

Kino-The Character Analysis

Kino is young and strong, has black hair, dark skin, eyes hot and fierce and his mustache is thin and rough. It is a good person, humble, honest, generous, daring, determined and very stubborn. Kino is a poor pearl diver who lives with his wife Juana and son in a house built Coyotito with fagots. One morning a scorpion bites Coyotito, Kino and Juana then take him to the doctor but he rejects them because they have money. Then go fishing pearls to pay the doctor when Kino finds the pearl of the world `', but the swelling has gone Coyotito. That night the doctor goes home and poisons Coyotito Kino Kino paid for. The priest also appears to suggest that they married by the church and that night they try to steal the pearl. The next day Kino was to sell the pearl but I wanted to cheat buyers by offering a ...
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