Attack On Pearl Harbor

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Attack on Pearl Harbor

Attack on Pearl Harbor


On 7th December, 1941, Japanese aircraft raided naval base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, which accounted for the U.S. navy in Pacific.

The warships anchored in port were easy targets for about 360 Japanese warplanes participated in attack. The Americans suffered 3400 casualties with 2300 deaths. Attack badly damaged the U.S. air and naval power in Pacific. However, this attack galvanized the American people and Roosevelt got the next day, December 8, 1941, Congress passed the declaration of war against Japan.


The Pearl Harbor assault was carried out by the Japanese Imperial Army on December 7, 1941. The sudden attack on the island of Oahu in Hawaii was aimed at the Pacific Fleet U.S. Navy and air forces defending the area.

The aim of attack, led by Vice Admiral Chuichi, was to counterbalance the rival fleet for a long time, in order to occupy the Western colonies in Southeast Asia. And also break the economic embargo on Japan was subject since above. Once damaged the U.S. army, Japan would seek to discuss peace with favorable conditions. It destroyed 13 warships and 188 aircraft, 2,403 soldiers and left 68 Americans dead. The Japanese lost 64 troops. The Japanese High Authority required to keep away from a long combat, but even if the Japanese Empire was successful in action, failed to win a decisive victory.

Japan's goal is to complete the conquest of China, to seize the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands and Southeast Asia colonies. These countries were in European war. Japan, U.S. standing in way only. Yamamoto knew that the destruction of U.S. Pacific Fleet causes Japan set up kingdom in Asia. Then, it will have the assets to oppose the inevitable American counterattack. The victory over China enabled Japan to take possession of island of Formosa and then Taiwan. Korea was annexed in 1910 and Manchuria was invaded in 1931. Japan began the wholesale attack of China in 1937I. In 1941, the British possessions in Far East were besieged fragile. On Russia in June 1940 the collapse of German offensive in region of Japan lasting enemies.

Although the war has been raging for two years in Europe, the American people do not want part of it. Not for them to go in Far East war. But Washington's support for anti-Japanese Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek and the impact of sanctions imposed on Japan. But then the talks made no progress. It said the U.S. have to remove support for China to lift its trade restriction, and provides an important commodity in its lack of oil to Japan. Any allowance would mean that China and Japan will decline, with the British in Far East together with the property. Without its empire, Britain would fall, leaving Europe, Africa and Asia as a whole axis. The U.S. and then surrounded by hostile authoritarian parties.

Analysis and Discussion

Pearl Harbor has been described as a sudden attack on a defenseless ...
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