Analysis Of Patient Jb

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Analysis of Patient JB

Table of Contents


Patient Personal Details2

Current medical problems faced by the patient2

Current medications taken by the patient2

Additional medical diagnoses2

Additional related information2

Assessment and interview details2

Goals of the patient2

Psychosocial Assessment2

Problem Assessment2

Main issue identified2

Symptoms Identified:2

Recent Losses2

Psychiatric History2

Past History of Anti-Depression medication2

Substance Abuse History2


Developmental History2

Support System2

Religious/Cultural Factors2

Assessor's Notes2

Suggested Management Plan2

Related Literature2


Analysis of Patient JB


The assessor and writer of this report works as a community aged care nurse in one of Victoria's most reputable institutes. The primary role of the assessor at the institute is to provide expert opinions based on assessments, analyse the need for specialist services and contribute towards health promotions. The main aim of the institute is to allow the elderly population of the society to spend more time at their homes and less in care centres.

Old age problems are one of the most common issues that people face when they enter the later stages of their lives. With age, the bodily functions of a person become unresponsive and troublesome and this also leads to mental issue which cause the person to become anxious, frustrated, irritated and tensed. Psychosocial problems are a combination of a person's mental problems and the problems faced in the social setup. Today, new ways of dealing with mental conditions and handling patients with mental problems are being used by doctors all over the world. These practices range from diet plans to proteins to counselling and therapies. (Frank, 1988); (Kassin, et. al, 2008); (Eysenck, 2004); (Bateman, Brown & Pedder, 2000)

Patient Personal Details

The patient's name shall remain undisclosed to maintain confidentiality (Donner, 2008). For the purpose of this paper, we shall refer to the patient as 'Patient JB'. The patient is a 90 years old female living with her husband and supported by her daughter. She had two daughters but lost one of them to an unfortunate car accident. The patient makes most of her decisions on her own.

Current medical problems faced by the patient

The patient suffers from a number of medical conditions, most of them caused by old age.

The patient suffers from hypertension which usually causes anxiety and periods of extreme sadness for no reason.

The patient has cataracts in both eyes and limited visibility due to the failure of one such operation.

The patient has severe pain in the knees and joints which is caused by an accident where the patient fell off the stairs and hurt her knees and joints.

The patient suffers from depression and has moments of sever depression. The patient takes doses of antidepressants due to this.

Additionally, the patient is also suffering from osteoporosis, fibro myalgia, osteoarthritis, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation

Current medications taken by the patient

The patient is currently taking the following medications:

Digesic (when required)

Double dose of Mylanta

Naprosyn 250mg 1 nocte

Alepan 15mg 1 nocte

Serepax 30mg 1 nocte

Oxazepam as required

Panadol to relieve pain when required

Additional medical diagnoses

The patient is not suffering from any sort of memory loss. Patient remembers everything from her past and has no issues with her short term or long term memory. Patient faces trouble with her physical stamina and gets tired for ...
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