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Dissertation on Nursing

The nursing profession takes healthcare one step ahead by including care taking and preventative practices as a part of its domain. The nursing dissertations provided in this section of Researchomatic are focused on integrating all the crucial aspects of this field, its impact and also on its role on our healthcare system. This information will prove to be useful for both students and aspiring healthcare professionals as well.

A Qualitative Investigation Into Nurses’ Experiences Of Reflection In Caring For Cancer Patients
A Qualitative Investigation into Nurses' Experiences of Reflection in Caring for Cancer Patients ABSTRACT This qualitative study was undertaken to study the use of reflection by nurses for treating cancer care patients. The researcher chose the research design of Hermeneutic phenomenology for this study. This study was conducted by taking interview of ...
Does Self- Management Education Programmes Improve Glycaemic Control In Patients With Type 2 Diabetes
[does self- management education programmes improve glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes] by Acknowledgement I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible. DECLARATION I, [type your full first names and surname here], declare that ...
Self-Management Education Programmes For Type 2 Diabetes
Self-Management Education Programmes for Type 2 Diabetes By TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW1 Introduction1 Overview of Diabetes1 Management of Type 2 Diabetes4 Medication Management5 Self-Management6 Diabetes Self-Management Behaviours and Glycemic Control6 REFERENCES7 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction Individuals with diabetes are at a greater risk for morbidity and mortality than individuals without diabetes (Moyer 2008, 21). Individuals with diabetes have higher ...
Triage Nurse Reasoning
TRIAGE NURSE REASONING An Investigation into Triage Nurse reasoning's During Initial Assessment Affect on Patients' Outcome in the Emergency Department By Abstract Modern day emergency departments (EDs) are commonly required to provide service to more patients than their resources can handle, leading to significant pressures on emergency personnel and department overcrowding. Triage has been ...
How Does Self-Management Programmes For Diabetic Adults Help Improve And Empower Awareness In Diabetes?
How does Self-Management Programmes for Diabetic Adults Help Improve and Empower Awareness in Diabetes? By TABLE OF CONTENTS LITERATURE REVIEW1 Diabetes and Self Management1 Secondary Research2 Literature Search3 Systematic Review3 Inclusion Criteria4 Critical Analysis of Articles6 References9 Appendix - A12 LITERATURE REVIEW Diabetes and Self Management Diabetes is a debilitating disease that can impact a person's health in numerous ways. In recent years, diabetes ...
Pay And Rewards As Motivators In Hospitals: Analysis Of Uk's Healthcare Management Practices
Pay And Rewards As Motivators In Hospitals: Analysis Of UK's Healthcare Management Practices TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION1 Background1 Problem statement2 Purpose2 Research Aims and Objectives2 Research Questions3 CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW4 Theory of rewards4 Social-Cognitive Approach to Study of Rewards4 Basic Psychological Needs Theory (BPNT)5 Cognitive Evaluation Theory (CET)6 Goal Contents Theory (GCT)7 Organismic Integration Theory (OIT)8 Causality Orientations Theory (COT)10 Self-Determination Theory ...
The Chronic Health Issues For A Tobacco Smoker
The Chronic Health Issues for a Tobacco Smoker By TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER: LITERATURE REVIEW1 Introduction1 Limitations of the research2 Search terms3 Data collection3 Lung cancer3 Damaging of reproductive system5 Coronary Artery Disease5 Smoker's cough6 Bronchitis6 Emphysema6 Heart disease7 Effects on the reproductive system7 Damage to the musculoskeletal system7 Damage to the skin8 Damage to the health of family members8 Damage to the respiratory system8 Atherosclerosis8 Smoking and diseases of the ...
How Does Adult Domestic Violence Affect Children Mental Health Of Age Under 10 Years?
How does adult domestic violence affect children mental health of age under 10 years? ABSTRACTiv Chapter 11 1.1 INTRODUCTION1 1.2 DEFINITION OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE2 1.3 HISTORICAL OVERVIEW OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE2 Theories of domestic violence5 Psychiatric model5 Attachment theory5 Social-Psychological Model6 Intergenerational transmission theory6 Socio-cultural model7 Feminist theory7 Socio-political8 General Practice13 CHAPTER 21 2.1 LITERATURE SEARCH1 2.2 KEYWORDS2 2.3 SEARCH INCLUTION AND EXCLUTION CRITERIA3 2.4 CRITIQUE DEFINITION3 Literature Critique3 Authors4 Titles and Abstracts5 Ethical ...
New Nurse Faculty Mentoring: Job Satisfaction At The End Of The First Year Of Becoming A Nurse Educator In A Baccalaureate Nursing Program
New Nurse Faculty Mentoring: Job satisfaction At the End of the First Year of Becoming a Nurse Educator in a Baccalaureate Nursing Program TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION4 Introduction to the Problem4 The New Graduate Nurse Transition7 Background, Context, and Theoretical Framework11 Statement of the Problem12 Purpose of the Study18 Research Questions18 Hypothesis18 Rationale, Relevance, and Significance19 Rationale19 Relevance19 Significance20 Nature of the ...
Role Of Communication In Nursing Care Of Elderly People
Role of Communication in Nursing Care of Elderly People By ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My thanks go out to all who have helped me complete this study and with whom this project may have not been possible. In particular, my gratitude goes out to friends, facilitator and family for extensive and helpful comments on early ...
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