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To Explore and Understand Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) as a Key Public Health Issue

To Explore and Understand Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) as a Key Public Health Issue


Coronary heart disease is a major problem in internal diseases, characterized by the WHO as an epidemic of the twentieth century. The reason for this was an increased incidence of coronary heart disease in people of different age groups, a high percentage of disability, as well as the fact that it is one of the leading causes of mortality.

Currently, coronary heart disease in the world is regarded as a distinct disease and is included in the International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Injuries and Causes of Death. Study of coronary heart disease has been conducted for almost two centuries. To date, the accumulated wealth of factual material, indicating its polymorphism (EAS Task Force for Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease, 1992, pp.113). This allowed distinguishing several forms of heart disease and some variants of its flow. The paper is based on the guided neighbourhood study which consists of well defined local areas including housing estate. The information will be collected on the basis of these characteristics of population:

The percentage of children and young people who are suffering from obesity, cholesterol and heart diseases

The outcome of the study results and analysis

The study will be focused on selecting the three main neighbourhoods on the basis of above criteria through self-assessment process (Bowling, 1991).


It is estimated that there are 263,527 people living in Hillingdon. Black African is 8,361, Black Other; 3,909, Indian; 29,678, other; 6,294, Pakistani; 5,610, Bangladeshi; 2,265, Chinese; 2,155Other Asian; 10 497, Black 4, 751 and white is 69.8%. Coronary heart disease is the most important problem of modern health care. There are many reasons for its occurrence among public health issues. It is one of the major causes of death among the population of industrialized countries. Society, maintaining health often put before medical science challenges. Most often it is different disease which attracted the attention not only of doctors but researchers and government of the state also.

According to WHO, the study found that the prevalence of coronary heart disease are found among males, especially those aged 55-59 years. The CHD is a chronic disease that progresses over the course of years to decades. A cure is not possible, however, the progressive deterioration of the prevention or the treatment of risk factors are possible. Furthermore, the coronary heart disease with medication, therapeutic interventions using cardiac catheterization can be treated surgically. Ischemic heart disease is found as a very common disease, one of the leading causes of death, as well as temporary and permanent disability of the population in the developed world. In connection with this, problem of CHD is one of the leading diseases in these places and is considered as among the most important medical problems of the 21st century (Cox, et al, 1987).

In the 80s, it has been a trend in mortality from coronary heart disease, but ...
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