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Research Papers on Healthcare

Healthcare relates to the efficient and timely provision of medical services in order to improve the physical and mental health of an individual. Researchomatic provides to its users a collection of healthcare research papers which can aid students in getting research ideas. These healthcare research papers can also help healthcare workers to stay up-to-date with the latest literature and researches in the field.

Healthcare Informatics
Healthcare informatics Abstract The paper looks into the significance of different health care programs provided by the United States. The paper justifies their role, and throws light on their clinical quality, reimbursements and patient access. The paper also explains how they interact nationwide through supporting nationwide healthcare information network. It throws light ...
Health Care
HEALTH CARE Health Care Industry Overview Grid Health Care Industry Overview Grid Industry Career Explanation Industry Examples Role of Health Care Personnel Manufacturing (Equipment/Supplies) Health Care manufacturing deals with the making of consumer products that help individuals deal with health care issues. If it looks as if there is a market big enough to make a ...
Ambulatory Care Services
AMBULATORY CARE SERVICES Inpatient Hospitalization vs. Ambulatory Care Services Inpatient Hospitalization vs. Ambulatory Care Services Introduction The health care system of the nation is undergoing a groundbreaking transformation because of the increase in the prices, technological and scientific changes as well as the pressures on the private and public budgets. It is because of ...
Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury Outline The purpose of this research paper is to discuss the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) specifically in the Military. Following is the outline for this research paper: Introduction Cognitive Problems of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in Military Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in Military Causes and Risk Factors of Traumatic Brain ...
Carcinoid Heart Disease
CARCINOID HEART DISEASE CARCINOID HEART DISEASE [Name of the Institute] Carcinoid Heart Disease Introduction Carcinoid heart disease is a very rear disease that spreads from one organ or part of it to another organ or part of it. It is seen mainly in the inner most layer tissue that lines the chamber of the heart ...
Adolescent Synthetic Cannabinoid Treatment
Adolescent Synthetic Cannabinoid Treatment Synthetic Cannabinoid Treatment Introduction Use of synthetic cannabinoid products among adolescents is gaining prominence since the last few years, but yet their exists no significant study to evaluate the treatment of adolescents using synthetic cannabinoid. As cannabinoids are pre-dominantly compounds or products having cannabinol and the active ...
Health Advocacy Plan
Health Advocacy Plan Health Advocacy Plan PART 1 Selected Population Health Issue The selected population for addressing the issue is the San Diago county school students. Advocacy Programs Advocates can be effective agents for change at any level - national, state, local or institutional. The following are examples of how advocacy can transform policies in a ...
Alzheimer's Disease
ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Pharmaco-economics of Alzheimer's Disease Treatment Pharmaco-economics of Alzheimer's Disease Treatment Introduction Alzheimer's disease is the most widespread kind of dementia. Dementia is a condition which may be rooted from several progressive diseases that distress thinking, memory, the capability to carry out daily actions and behavior. The risk of acquiring Alzheimer's disease ...
Research Analysis
Research Analysis Research Analysis Abstract The studies mentioned by Drake and Deegan provide an analysis about the role of electronic devices in the treatment of people who are suffering from mental health diseases. The researches provide a view about the factors that effect on decision making of either to give electronic aids to ...
Public Health
PUBLIC HEALTH Electromagnetic Fields and Public Health Electromagnetic Fields and Public Health Introduction Over the past two decades, the possible relationship between human exposure to power frequency (50 and 60 Hz) electromagnetic fields (EMF) and adverse health outcomes has generated significant interest in both the scientific community and the general population. In ...
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