Advertising & Persuasive Techniques

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Advertising & Persuasive Techniques

Advertising & Persuasive Techniques

Advertising & Persuasive Techniques: Wonderful World of Children & Youth Marketing

Summary of the Readings

The CNN effect has been discussed which refers to the impact that CNN has on itself and the foreign relations it has because the same information sources was used by all the sides. The two assumptions that are based on the CNN effect are mentioned below.

The influence and power of media on policy making processes.

The influence of mass public opinion on policy formulation.

Complex Mix

Besides this, the interaction between the policy making elites and the media has been suggested as a scenario in which the masses are the followers. This is because the masses are mobilized by the elite by the use of mass media and the Internet. The other aspect that has been discussed is censorships and a favorable relationship that is developed with the media proprietors. Politicians aim to develop favorable relationships with the media and this is because it has an impact on their moves. For instance, if politicians opt for something which is not favorable for the public, the media will advertise it and this will develop a negative impression on the public because of which the public will start disliking them. Similarly, if the politicians do something good and it is highlighted by the media, the people will also develop positive opinions of the politicians (Curren, 2006).

Censorship and Morality

Censorship has also been discussed which refers to certain things that are not shown on the media such as on the television and on the Internet. This is more particularly followed in order to avoid the children from looking at things which are not suitable for their age. This may include things such as pornographic websites and the adult websites which are not meant for the children. Similarly, morality is also associated with and this because of the ethics that are involved.

Key Arguments

I agree with the reading to a certain extent, however, there rare some aspects that should be changed. The considerations that need to be made by media are mentioned below.

Ethics and Media

Ethics is a moral philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and unethical behavior. Ethical theories have been defined by the philosophers into three areas, which are metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics on the basis of which ethical choice can be determined. Metaethics reveals the traces ...
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