Advanced Consumer Decision Making

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Advanced Consumer Decision Making

Advanced Consumer Decision Making

Block 1: The Consumption Process

a. Situational Context The situational context in which the consumer buying behaviour is determined plays a highly significant role. The situational context includes the physical location where the product is available, the personal factors, the time and money constraint, and the physiological factors related to the buying decision. Starbucks marketing activity has given serious emphasis towards the situational factors in order to influence consumer buying decisions. Starbucks has worked hard in achieving responsiveness through its availability of products everywhere. The nearby physical stores are reachable and provide an ambiance where consumer buying behaviour is effectively influenced. Starbucks coffee is available in most of the grocery stores and airports which helps in influencing the consumer buying behaviour (McGrath, 2010).

b. Problem Recognition The problem recognition is the first stage in the consumer buying process. Here, the problem or need is recognized which needs to be satisfied. This is where the successful marketing campaign achieves its breakthrough by making the consumer recognize the need. Starbucks has used the pull strategy to attract consumers and influence their buying decisions. The need to get fresh and energetic with a cup of coffee is promoted by Starbucks in its marketing activity. Moreover, the need to get a refresher during work, after work or before work is recognized by the consumer who then begins the information search.

c. Information Search This is where the consumer starts the information search in order to satisfy the need or solve the problem recognized in the first step. Information search aims to find and search the number of alternatives available for satisfying the need recognition. Here, Starbucks has developed a very strong brand image which attracts consumers due to its superior quality. The advertising campaign and brand development strategy focuses upon giving valuable information to the new consumers for trying the Starbucks's products. Starbucks does not sell coffee only but it sells a lifestyle of innovation, quality, and activism which makes the consumers more attracted (McGrath, 2010).

d. Judgement and Decision Making In the third stage of consumer buying process, the consumer has gathered enough information regarding the alternatives available in the market. Here the evaluation of alternatives takes place where the consumer final judgement and decision making is done. It is the most crucial stage which needs to be given importance by the marketers. The product's attributes and unique selling preposition (USP) should be reflected in the marketing activity to influence the decision of the consumer. Starbucks has developed an effective marketing strategy where the evaluation criteria of the consumer is influenced through the superior quality of its products, attributes of the products, and the emotional appeal related to the brand (Rudolf, 2003).

e. Post-Purchase Processes and Meaning Generation This is the last stage of the consumer buying process where the post-purchase evaluation is done by the consumer. The satisfaction or dissatisfaction derived from the consumption of the product measures the post purchase satisfaction or “post purchase ...
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