Workings Of Health-Care Organization

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Workings of Health-Care Organization

Research Paper on the Workings of Health-care Organizations


Health-care systems are comprised of specific, cultural, political, socio-economic, and historical traditions. Consequently, the arrangements of the health-care organizations differ noticeably among several member states, same as the allocation of human resources and capital. The basic type of health-care organizations are tax-financed health-care systems and operate with social insurance which are totally independent from the government. Thus, the basic divisions among many systems are weakening whereas, in some old type insurance systems illness funds are cost-control increased and merged to the central government. This trend of convergence is due to the each system's relative advantages. Health-care systems commonly face some opportunities and challenges in delivering efficient, equal. And high-quality medical services at reasonable and affordable cost patterns (Gerdtham, 1992). The demands regarding health-care issues are increasing due to rise in populations and public expectations, as these both things go side by side. The amalgamations of technological developments and demographic changes increase the overall of cost of provision.


In a health-care organization, the framework which is used for describing health-care systems is of three basic forms; 1) the mission and vision of the health-care organizational systems are totally dependent on the need and demands for the health-care services, 2)to understand the individual characteristics, structure, and nature of the health-care systems it is crucial to consider the health-care finance, and the utilization and organization of proper health-care resources, and 3) Current benefits and issues in the setup of health-care is outlined by challenges and their solutions in modern health-care organizations.

Need and Demand for Health Care

It is the basic purpose of a health-care organization to fulfill the needs and demands of every individual patient. To understand the demand for appropriate health needs of individuals and realizing the requirements for health service provision and then proper utilization is a complex issue for an organization (Wiley, 1996). The health needs of population can be met properly by justifying demands and rightly using the health-care services but, a specific challenge for these systems is to identify and realize the actual need for health-care services, the services which could be satisfied the demands of every individual patient appropriately.

Health Care Resources and Utilization

The allocation of the resources of health-care systems are considered by the population to whom services are provided. Each service of the health-care systems is complex in its own means. Facilities and resources ...
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