Working Through Conflicts

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Working Through Conflicts

Working Through Conflicts



Before we start our discussion, we have to understand the conflict. We can understand the conflict; conflict is an opposition of sentiments, views between an individual and groups of people. This definition is also refers the meaning of conflict as different people have different experiences through which they wanted to do the work as per their own approach. Whereas, for doing the same task when different approaches come together this would be the ultimate result which occurs in the form of conflict. Conflict is found in every walk of life. We can observe that it is not actually limited with certain fields. This is not wrong to say that conflict can be found at anywhere as different thoughts and experiences or way for doing the work must not necessary to accept by other persons (Folger, 2012). Here, conflict occurs whether we are in any organization or facing such complication in personal life.

Conflict is the lack of agreement between two or more parties which may be specific individuals or groups, and each side is doing everything to see the adoption of its point of view or purpose, and prevent the other side to do the same. As scholars who observe that the conflict in professional world. Defines conflict as it is a deadlock between two people who have a common interest, but for which they do not agree on it. Therefore, they also introduced in addition to the notion of disagreements among the masses (Folger, 2012).


Interpersonal Conflicts

In an organization we can see that there are plenty of conflicts can be occurred. The list can be extended randomly, as manifestation of human emotions is very versatile, and the reasons that pushes people to conflict, too diverse. In any case, conflicts occupy an important place in our lives. What are the causes of the conflict? I think there are numerous of reasons can be recognized.

If we talk about the internal conflict, then it is an individual: attitudes to learning, their duties, change of work (study), chief notes, and teacher requirements, friction in the family, the struggle for power, jealousy and many other occasions. Causes of external may includes, the inter-group conflict difference of views, the competition, and the achievement of various goals and acceptance of these goals by others (Myers, & Larson, 2005). In my practice too often observe that situations of conflict occur usually, as in this age the students are in the rapid development of all organs and systems of the body, and this basically added to the intense mental work and stress on the nervous system. That in turn leads to increase sensitivity, vulnerability, extreme perfectionism in his actions and judgments about other people. On the one hand, there are misunderstandings with teachers, on the other hand resentment and rejection of the views and demands of parents. Consequently the reduced in performance, disruptions in behavior, frequent quarrels with friends, looking for a new medium of communication, which is not always ...
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